My story of finding and building the best heater

Love it. @Debbie292d is correct about peaceful, There are some in this large group that are,,,,lets say... overly passionate about not heating coops.
Most in BYC are pretty decent about it though. Facebook is where it can get pretty nasty so I would rarely bring it up, but be ready for it if I did! ☺️
Most in BYC are pretty decent about it though. Facebook is where it can get pretty nasty so I would rarely bring it up, but be ready for it if I did! ☺️
Politics- check, religion-check, roost bars or roosting beams- check, heating chicken coops- check. Just adding to my list of conversations to be wary of, lol
My wife figured a way around that one. She gives our hens Kalmbach Hen House Reserve 17% protein layer feed as scratch. It is a mix of whole grains and small pellets and a few black sunflower seed mixed in. The birds think it's a treat. Win-Win!
We do the same. The treat is feed so it fools 'em haha! But it's healthy! I ferment that with grains too.
Thanks everybody for all the comments! Continuing with the discussion, I am thinking about: having such an perfect heater, that will have safety, monitoring and regulatory compliances, - if it is so good, what would be the reasons you won't want it for yourself? Please feel free to go wild - of why the "perfect" heater might be not as perfect for you?

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