My three stooges. Are they Plymouth Rock chickens?


In the Brooder
Jul 26, 2016
Hello. I am new to the chicken thread and to raising chickens. I am a proud mama of a yearling peacock, but I am also starting to raise chickens. We live in Chile, in the countryside. All of our neighbors have chickens and most also have sheep, goats, pigs and cows. Less than two months ago one of our neighbors gifted us two hens and a rooster. They were very young still, about two to three months old. I immediately made a nice home for them with roosts of various heights and also nesting boxes. They also have quite a bit of space to run around in outside of the coop. Today I decided to upgrade their nesting boxes after reading a thread here on BackYard Chickens. I was surprised to find that one of the boxes already had three eggs in it. I didn´t realize that a) my hens were even using the boxes and b) that they are old enough to lay eggs.

The rooster started crowing a week ago.

Because of where we live and the casualty of owning chickens, no one actually knows (or cares) what breed these guys are. Chickens are chickens in Chile. I was told by some of my North American and Canadian friends that these may be Plymouth Rock chickens. What do you guys think?

Thank you.

They all look to be Barred Rock crosses. The mostly black hen and the rooster look like they may be Black Sex Links, and the other just looks like a cross, possibly with some sort of polish because it looks like it has a little bit of a crest.
Thank you guys. I will take more photos as they get more plump and the rooster grows his tail feathers out.
A Barred Rock is the same as a Barred Plymouth Rock, I believe. The barring is just a color pattern of the Plymouth Rock.
correct ... the link I posted lists the normal color
  • Varieties:
They could have some barred Rock, but they're definitely mixed breed birds.

Am I the only one that thinks there are two cockerels and one pullet? in that first pic, I think the bird in the back is a cockerel also. Can you get a better pic of that bird?

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