My turkeys are fickle!!


7 Years
Mar 16, 2012
Shreveport, LA
I have some turkeys that will only eat feed! I would really like to see them eat some more 'natural' food, like fruits/veggies! Anyone else have this problem or have had this problem and found a way to get their turkeys to forage or eat fruits/veggies?? BTW, mine our 10 mos old.
Turkeys are dumb and slow to the draw! Mine would walk all over new foods and treats when placed in pen till one or two started tasting them. Then they all took interest.
Give them a few days and they will learn that it is food. I gather handfuls of grass, dandelion and clover and toss in their pen. At first they ignored it and now they actually jump against the pen when they see me carrying it to them!
Same as dog food and scratch grains. They took awhile before they liked them also.

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