My Warranty Expired Today

Happy birthday!! How cool it is to be 70. I am 60 this year, and I think of all the things I know just because I was there!!!!!!!! Don't move quite a quick as I did, don't get excited over things like I use too, I decide what to worry about and not to worry about, because it doesn't really matter anyway. It is what it is. So, I think your list of wise and witty opinions are GREAT and I am going to print them off for my book of treasures. Eat a lot of cake and ice cream. I always go for the cake and ice cream.
oldrooster, it's 5 days past warranty expiration. Any major breakdowns? Generally seems to happen shortly after warranty expiration.
I like the part about the "have to". I always tell people, I don't have to do anything except die...mainly because no one has ever managed to get out of this life alive yet. When that situation has a solution, I just might work on that one too.

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