Mystery chick


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 10, 2014
Can anybody tell me what breed she is? I got her in a mixed group and she's the only one of her kind, she's half the size of the rest of the chicks. Is she just a runt or a small breed?
Looks like your other chicks is a barred rock (Am I right?) so I'd say she's a bantam. Her colour is blue, but that's all I know. Maybe someone else will come along...if it's not a super fancy breed with either a hairdo or feathered feet (Or both!) I really don't know much about!
I kinda wanna say orpington, but I don't think they come in bantam???
Yep that's a barred rock! I got 16 random chicks. I'm glad I atleast know she's blue so I can try and research from that! Thank you :) I did get one fancy chick out of them and I'm pretty sure it's a Polish, never had one before so I'm excited to watch her grow with that big poof on her head lol
Awesome! I raise polish (as well as several other things) and they are absolutely stunning!
Your little chickie's beautiful whatever she is!

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