Mystery Eggs


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 21, 2012
Phoenix AZ
i have found 2 mystery eggs this week and im not sure where they are coming from! the first one was a shell and dried egg on the patio in a corner. it was a good sized egg but it was white so i know it wasnt my rhode island red plus she always lays her eggs in the coop no matter what. our other laying hen lays very small cream colored eggs so i know it wasnt her. i have 3 other hens that are only about 4 months old but this was a big egg! the second egg i found was my chair...after i sat was just the yolk and white but no shell so im totally confused. it wasnt there last night when i went to bed and the chickens have not been out of their coop that long today. is it possible my pullets are laying these and just not knowing where to lay them or could my RIR be laying white eggs? shes very consistant with brown eggs so i have no clue about this white egg or the mystery shell less egg. should i start my pullets on laying feed just in case? im so lost. i checked the yard to see if there were any more eggs hanging out but no luck.
nope! im the only one with chickens in our whole neighborhood! hubbs says maybe one of the older hens is confused or im going crazy (which is totally possble) but both hens laid this afternoon so i know it wasnt one f them laying a random egg. i think tomorrow im going to leave the pullets in the coop and let the biggins out so i can figure out the mystery.
Sounds like one of your pullets is starting to lay, shelless or soft shelled eggs are normal and usually called "fart" egg. It is not so unusual for a new layer to lay a normal size egg. My BR laid a jumbo egg for her 5th egg, double yoker.
Are you sure they're chicken eggs? o.o I see you live in or around Phoenix, AZ...sure it's not a lizard or a giant snake?
We used to live in Peoria (suburb of Phoenix)...our neighbor's ugly iguana used to lay big honkin' eggs in my flower bed. :) It was kind of freaky, because I never knew they were there until I found them. I'd be digging around planting a flower or a bulb for a flower anyway... and break open the eggs with my little shovel (so gross). I guess they lay the under the dirt though, so it's unlikely in your case - but I thought I would mention it, lol!
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Im sure its a chicken id freak if something that could lay that big of an egg was in my yard lol. Im gonna isolate the pullet i think it is and see what happens. I started adding more layer food in to the pullet food so the eggs wont be soft shelled anymore. My roo is going to freak out about his dumpling being alone but he will be ok.

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