Mystery Pest - can you figure it out from the clues?

Going Bhonkers

7 Years
Apr 12, 2012
SW Florida
We have a pest roaming about, but we dont know what it is or what its food source is in order to eliminate it.

Here are the facts:
  • We live in Southwest Florida.
  • Every morning we find areas where it digs the night before - we're convinced it comes only night, and past 10pm and before sunrise.
  • It digs under things like structures, bricks, plant containers, not out in the open.
  • The the holes aren't that deep, and it doesnt leave any paw prints or claw marks behind (ADDING TO THE MYSTERY!!)
  • Its probably small because we've put garden fencing (those wire removable ones) around areas in effort to keep it out but it manages to go through the wire.
  • It digs a lot - if in fact it IS small, then there's got to be more than one. Does it travel it packs or it is just a quick digger?
  • We've seen rabbit burrows before & can say for sure that its not a rabbit.

Below is the garden fencing I mentioned

Examples of the holes / burrows it makes. Below, it dug under some bricks

Dug under a plant container here

More examples

If you could help us figure it out, it would be AWESOME!!! Thank you BYC detectives!!
My guess would be a toad. Not a predator, huh? I have often seen that sort of evidence. Pick up the stone and see if there is one under it. The only thing that would worry me is if it is a buffo(?) frog I would be afraid of your chicks pecking it and being poisoned.
Raccoons!! I also live in Florida and know all about them. I have holes like yours in my yard too. They are looking for bugs, beetles or grubs. I have a game camera that takes pictures of raccoons on a nightly bases.

My guess would be a toad. Not a predator, huh? I have often seen that sort of evidence. Pick up the stone and see if there is one under it. The only thing that would worry me is if it is a buffo(?) frog I would be afraid of your chicks pecking it and being poisoned.
I dont think its a toad. Mainly because there are too many holes left behind. I would think I'd hear it - don't toads start croaking at dusk? This pest comes out later. But good guess!

How about Armadillo?
You know, I was thinking maybe an armadillo, but I dont know if they dig? Maybe people with more armadillo experience can chime in.

I doubt its a mouse because we haven't seen mouse droppings or tracks. Another good guess!

Raccoons!! I also live in Florida and know all about them. I have holes like yours in my yard too. They are looking for bugs, beetles or grubs. I have a game camera that takes pictures of raccoons on a nightly bases.

Do you think it could be one? The only reason I question it is because I would have seen raccoon prints/ tracks in the sand. Or at least claw marks. Am I wrong? Do your raccoon visitors leave evidence behind? Also, we were thinking it had to be small to get through the garden fence - I suppose it could be BIG to get over it. But the lack of prints is what gets me.
That sort of garden fencing is more or less decorative, it wouldn't stop anything. Any small creature can run right through it and any slightly larger animal could step over it.
That sort of garden fencing is more or less decorative, it wouldn't stop anything. Any small creature can run right through it and any slightly larger animal could step over it.

Yeah, that was my mom's desperate effort. Trying to figure it out so we can know what type of trap to lay, what to use as bait, etc. Its hard fighting something if you dont know what it is.

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