Mystery Predator

According to my chickens they have contracts and pockets to pull them out of. My oldest EE is the spokes chicken and did I get read the riot act. I was told in no uncertain terms what the contract said and boy am I in trouble with the chicken union. There will be picketing, withholding of eggs and just general may ham. This all will be alleviated if I will Just Let Them OUT. LOL
Do you think they would stay close with the armed guard watching or scatter and be at risk?

If they stay close by might be opportunity to solve the issue.

Doubt I would have the guts to do that, they would be in jail til all is clear. Make sure the girls don't tunnel out.
Do you think they would stay close with the armed guard watching or scatter and be at risk?

If they stay close by might be opportunity to solve the issue.

Doubt I would have the guts to do that, they would be in jail til all is clear. Make sure the girls don't tunnel out.
I have checked for shovels. DH finally came down from the tree stand still mumbling and swearing. The GSD is still on guard duty. The girls are out, could not get past them with the feed buckets. I do have a new 22 that Im really wanting to try out. My turn in the tree stand.
I'll be working tomorrow but would like to hear any positive updates on predator. And hope your 22 gets him!
FOXES 2 down 3 to go. Got 2 in the front yard saw 3 more running from the back. This is getting way out of hand. Im hoping I will have a better chance when the corn and bean fields go down. Way scary.
My you have a lot of foxes there…keep it up. Maybe the others will get the drift and just move on.
Feels like a catch and release program no one told me about. I have heard of one or two. Never 5.
So sorry about your loss
To me it sounds like a dog. I think (but am not sure) that any wild animal would have attacked for food. And hence would have taken them.
My other guess is fisher cat bc they bury their catch for later
I hope you find the culprit. Good luck
I had two of my beautiful hens, which I hand raised in 2008, taken by a fox. It was 11AM last Monday and couldn't believe how bold this fox was. I thought they were nocturnal ...he also got 8 pullets/cockerels. I was devastated, in shock, and cried for 2 days.

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