Mystery Respiratory Disease in Roosters


In the Brooder
Feb 15, 2015
I have had chickens for about one year. While some were originally hatchery birds, all have come to me from private farms. I have now had 3 roosters develop tracheal rales (raspy breathing), but none of the other respiratory symptoms that I have read that are common with CRD. None of my other birds have every been affected...only roosters and it has taken anywhere from 2-3 months for them to develop symptoms. Here is the timeline:

Last year (late fall) Purchased 7 month old rooster and 2 pullets. Noticed a very slight raspy breathing in the rooster the following day but no other symptoms - no coughing, sneezing, watery eyes. Over the next 2 months there was really no change, then the raspiness began to increase. Still, no other symptoms. Quarantined and finally culled after he could not crow and finally became anorexic. Did not seem responsive to antibiotics which I tried a couple of times throughout....

Purchased a second rooster, and about 40 days into having him, he developed the same symptoms. Culled immediately.

Purchased 3 chicks. Quarantined from rest of flock for 2 months. Cockerel developed same raspy breathing...again no other symptoms. Culled immediately.

One month later I purchased other chicks which were about a month younger, quarantined for one month but all have now been together for the past month. These chicks are now 4 months old.

Now I am very worried about the rest of the flock...This has been a very slowly, developing issue and quite literally has only affected roosters. Why? And no other respiratory symptoms what so every. Not a sneeze, cough, runny eyes.... If it is MG, I realize I can do nothing about it, but hope that the rest of the birds are resistant...

I obviously did not quarantine well enough, which is my problem and a mistake I will not make in the future.

THoughts? Experiences?

THank you in advance.
Your state vet should perform a necropsy on any other chicken that you lose or cull. You may be dealing with aspergillosis, a respiratory disease caused by fungus or mold. A mild MG infection could also be a possibility. Make sure that your coop has good ventilation year round, not too hot, and that dust or mold are not a problem. Those things can actually cause more respiratory diseases in poultry. Here is a link to find your state vet, and one for common respiratory diseases:
My coop is very well ventilated and i live in a very arid I would be surprised if mold is an issue.. I also clean my coop weekly And replace bedding.. but will contact the state vet. Thank you

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