nail size hole in eggs?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Oct 27, 2013
i keep finding eggs with small holes in 1 end. is the a predator or do I have a cannibal chicken that needs to go. they don't eat the whole eggs just punch a perfect hole in 1 end.
I had the same issue years ago. Finally caught a Steller's Jay going into the coop through pop door.
i keep finding eggs with small holes in 1 end. is the a predator or do I have a cannibal chicken that needs to go. they don't eat the whole eggs just punch a perfect hole in 1 end.

Most likely the chicken but no need for the chicken to go, sometimes they do that cuz they need more calcium or the shell had an imperfection, lots of other reasons too. give your chickens some oyster shells :)
they get egg layer crumble doesn't that have added calcium plus I work at a grocery store and they get a bucket of produce daily they are beyond spoiled. But I still don't get why they don't eat the egg? just the hole punch.
they get egg layer crumble doesn't that have added calcium plus I work at a grocery store and they get a bucket of produce daily they are beyond spoiled. But I still don't get why they don't eat the egg? just the hole punch.
Laying hens need to have oyster shell and/or grit to supplement their diet of laying feed. As for the produce you very well could be over-feeding them that. Layers need to concentrate their feeding habits on their layer feed and get "treats" occasionally. I don't know how many hens you have but as an example I have 4 and I'll give them 2 pieces of raw corn on the cob about 4" long and maybe in the afternoon a little treat of a handful of black sunflower seeds...that's more.
A nail sized hole could mean a hen's claw could be accidentally piercing a poor quality shell. Some hens need more calcium than layer pellets provide. One rule of thumb about treats not feed more than 10% of entire diet.
i'll get the oyster shell, I didn't think produce was considered a treat. I have 9 hens and 5 ducks along with 5 baby chick. They get all the feed they want plus one 5 gallon bucket of produce Monday through Friday and free range all day in my orchard.
not sure ive ever had a poor quality shell laid. They are extremely hard to crack compared to a store bought

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