Naked Neck/Turken Thread

I have broody eggs hatching today too. So far 2 are out, dark fluffed pretty dark FM from the looks of it so far. Couldn't get a good look to see how big a bow tie, my darker FM's tent towards bigger bow ties.
I have broody eggs hatching today too.  So far 2 are out, dark fluffed pretty dark FM from the looks of it so far.  Couldn't get a good look to see how big a bow tie, my darker FM's tent towards bigger bow ties.


I have three out so far. I think most will hatch during the night. They really aren't die to hatch until tomorrow anyway.

A these are going to be by my Orange Barred rooster. Good thing too cause come Saturday 5/30 he's leaving. He's decided he thinks he's boss around here. He's not buying the feed I told him but he doesn't listen very well. It's gotten to where I can't take my eyes off him when I go into the run. No matter how hard I kick or don't kick nothing seems to get to him, so it's off to the auctions. Someone will buy him for the slighter barns. I say good riddance to him. There will be no roosters of his babies to replace him either.
Here is 2 shots if one if the Naked Neck Aloha's:



There is a lot of white on this one. I'm sure there will be more color filling in as they grow.

Next is a shot of three chicks: both Aloha and NN Aloha. As you can tell with the chick on the left has way more color than the chick above. They range all colors in between the two. Some with a lot of white with light buff color to almost no white at all.

The next photo is an unrelated chick. This is the only one left of three that hatch from @learycow Red NN rooster over Golden Comet hens. Hopefully make a good layer and the light red-buff color throughout will help the Aloha Naked Necks along also.


Sorry I can't get any better shots. Trying to do it by myself and also not a very good photographer.

Where do you find NN like these? Their color is amazing!
Want to see a beautiful rosé combed Naked Neck rooster.

He is so beautiful! I hope your chickies from him are just as fine:)

Well I'm going to show you one anyway:

I know he has to be by my former Salmon Naked Neck. He was from the January 1, 2013 hatch I done. I sold him and have just gotten the pictures back of him. I can guess which hen he was out if also because I only had one hen that had a rose comb.

So as he is this beautiful, I'm going to get a couple dozen eggs for hatching from his current owner.
My broodies hatches aren't going well at all, there are only 2 more that might live, we'll see not very good chances on either one. This has been a HORRIBLE hatching year for me and my broodies. I am going to have to set another batch in the bator at the beginning of the week. Today 3 were SHRINK WRAPPED, now how in the h**l can a chick shrink wrap when we have had 17 inches of rain in 3 weeks and floods and near 100% humidity for their entire incubation and sitting under a broody!!!!!!!
So I just butchered and processed my first fully feathered (and rather mean-tempered) cockerel. I now have that much more appreciation for NNs, and I'm thinking that ALL of my future breeding projects should include making the progeny "less feathered".

He was a handsome BR cockerel...28 weeks old, and processed out at 4.78 pounds. These are photos of him when he was younger, and my avatar is him as a chick. He'd become so aggressive that I couldn't even get more recent photos of him without him charging at me. Now...he'll be the first bird I cook up in my new pressure cooker.

Good for you! He was beautiful but roosters like that are no fun at all.
Want to see a beautiful rosé combed Naked Neck rooster.

Well I'm going to show you one anyway:

I know he has to be by my former Salmon Naked Neck. He was from the January 1, 2013 hatch I done. I sold him and have just gotten the pictures back of him. I can guess which hen he was out if also because I only had one hen that had a rose comb.

So as he is this beautiful, I'm going to get a couple dozen eggs for hatching from his current owner.

Wow, beautiful rooster!

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