Naked Neck/Turken Thread

I got better pics of my "Bearded Turken"!



She is so sweet. A little difficult to get good pics of, but she eats out of my hand. That's how I got her attention - food!
I wish I knew what egg color they lay. I don't think they're laying yet, but I could be wrong. I really should separate them to find out who's laying what. I currently have two mystery eggs in the bator - I think the Salmon Favorelle laid one, and I honestly don't know who laid the other one. (I'd put in more, but my bator is full with all kinds of other eggs right now... Hubby doesn't know that I have even MORE eggs coming, 6 pure Turken eggs, and 4 Buttercups
) I know for sure what my RIRs are laying, but other than that

I guess that's my next step before I try to sell any eggs - to find out who's laying what!

ETA: I should state that I am trying to have a mixed Naked Neck flock. IF I have luck with hatching the buttercups, I plan on trying to breed a buttercup NN, etc. I really like the demeanor of the NNs. They are really cool birds! Plus, the rooster really isn't that loud - I have to watch because I live in town, and my last roosters were WAY too loud. This guy only crows a few times a day early in the morning, when he's inside the coop! I really lucked out!!!
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Mine are bantams.

Yuri then

Yuri now

Yuri's mother, Vladimir

My family can't understand why I love these two so much, but I think they're gorgeous. There3 are never enough pictures of NNs, in my opinion.
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Yikes! The black skinned ones freak me out. That's one reason why I shot down the SO's idea to get showgirls. They're still neat looking, though.
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