Naked Neck/Turken Thread

Those combinations will turn out to be very interesting! I think it is very fun to have mixes! Waiting to see what hatches out is the best part! Most of the time, the results are very beautiful!

Please let us know what the person says when you send the picture. I would be interested in knowing :)
Hey Guys i have a Turken hen she is 1 1/2yrs old & she is like golden in color and iwant to sell but idont want to feel like im ripping people off What is a good price for her?
Of all the chickens I've raised my naked necks are by far the tamest..Does anyone else agree?
Agree, naked necks are very nice. I think they make better broodys then orpingtons. That's just my 2 cents cause I also have orps but none gone broody only the turkens have. Proud to have 8 adult naked neck, 1 naked roo, and around 12-15 naked babys
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Nevermind heres some... Im guessing rooster....

It's been my experience that when a NN has a comb that looks like a good crosscut saw chances are its a hen. Look at the feathers at the base of the tail if they are rounded they are a pullet, pointy and it's a cockerel. Plus there is a near absence of wattles on the bird so far. I know I get some funny remarks when I tell people to give a shot of a birds tail area, it's nearly the only way to sex a NN.

Yellow legs is what the Standard calls for and yes they can either be clean necked or have a bow tie. Prefered is the clean neck with no feather follicles at all. My wife likes a bow tie on her birds but I prefer the clean necked birds. That has made for some interesting debates around here. LOL In a show though it really depends on the bird and I have seen them place either way.
Well folk, I gone and switched my roosters around..
I put my Naked Neck rooster in with my Easter Egger hens and my Easter Egger rooster in with my Naked Neck hens. Come About September I'm going to put in about 3 days worth of eggs and hatch them off and see what I come up with.

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