Naked Neck/Turken Thread

We got our first egg today from our Bantam Naked Neck pullets
I hatched them from eggs from Josh44... and he told me they might start laying soon. They are not quite 5 months old... and I'm still waiting on most of my other pullets that are 4-5 weeks older. Go Naked Necks!

My first bantam NN egg is the one on the far right.
The eggs are (left to right) from a Standard Australorp Hen, Standard Java Pullet, Standard Java Pullet and Bantam NN Pullet.
My Poulet Rouge Naked Neck chicks... I got 26 of them... along with some Poulet Rouge Rainbows. Oh my they are such little piggies!
Are they bantam or standards what color are they ?

Whats a Poulet Rouge Rainbows ?

Glad to hear your enjoying them, I am still waiting for mine to start laying.
Should be soon, Hopefully
These are all standards... I ordered them from S & G Poultry. The naked necks should feather out buff and red. The rainbows are a dual purpose breed also from S & G... evidently they all feather out very differently, so it should be fun to see what color combination's we get. Here is their website for s & G in case you want more information - . We are raising these for my son as a 4H project... we are using this hardy slow grow breed instead of the traditional broilers.
I hope yours start laying soon... I couldn't believe it when I saw my little white naked neck bantam in the laying box!
Does anyone know how soon you can tell if a NN is a roo? I noticed they seem to have large combs... I know with japanese you can tell by 3 weeks. We have 2 that came home with us from the fair and one is looking kind of rooster-ish! For some reason my 7 yr old DD LOVES this breed (she has a thing for strange chickens...polish and silkies are also a fav.!) So when she saw them at the fair she HAD to have them but I told her that if they a roosters they have to find a new home!



They are about 3 weeks old... also, any idea on what color they are?
do you only have 2? becouse the two that I see there look like litlle cockerels, and they could end up lookin something like this
yep! I only have 2.... there was four at the fair, I had a guy looking at them for me to help try and determine sex before I brought them home. One had a broken wing and these 2 where the most likely to be hens out of the other three. Arg! well I guess I will see what happens, we definitely don't need anymore roosters! If these turn out to be roos then I guess my daughter will have to wait on her NN hen until I can find her one. As it is I already have a couple of cockerels that need to be culled and it won't be easy to find them homes b/c they are mishaps and uuuugly! One is a polish nankin cross with crooked toes and and other is a hatchery polish with a wing that never feathered out and a crest thats all kinda weird.
We are going to put our tiny super adorable NN bantams hens in with our frizzle cochin bantam roo... let me know if you want some of their eggs... tiny bantam frizzle naked necks... oh my!
Does anyone know if the NN males have a tendancy for slow feathering? I selected my NNs from a pullet bin at Atwoods, and 4 are clearly girls but there is one that has a larger comb and pinker face along with tree trunk legs that I am marking as a male. Can't rely on feathering, since 'he' has minimal feathers.
At 6 weeks, he still is nearly 30% down, on the body. Has wing feathers but not much in tail or saddle feathers, it is as if he is skipping the juvenile feathering stage. My currrent roo now is a Speckled Sussex that was a slow featherer, but by 16 weeks he looked good and now that he has hard molted at a one year he is lovely.
Will get pictures loaded later today so no nagging please.

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