Naked Neck/Turken Thread

Funny story...

I have 2 Cochin girls that I moved up across the lane to the 'for sale' pens. Well naturally they escaped the pen and became free rangers and only go back in the pen to eat in the morning and roost. A few weeks ago one or both started laying and I started only seeing one at a time, then both and the next time, just one --- I kept thinking every time something had caught one of them.
I was over there feeding and #2 cochin girl popped up acting all frantic, puffed up and fussing --- ah ha, she was broody and had a nest hidden, but where?
I finally took time to wait til she ate her fill, took a dust bath, and walked around the top of the pen a few times and hopped back down and ran as fast as her little short legs could carry her...
right into the woods to a brush pile.

I went poking around and found her (she's well concealed)

Set up a cage with a nest-bucket and just after dark, crawled into the pile, got her and the eggs up. Candled the eggs real quick and some had internally PIPPED. She settled right down on the eggs in the new safe nest.

All that to tell you --- I have 4 unexpected Naked Neck chicks!!!!
Three barred chicks and a black chick, all with single combs and feather legs.


(there are 4 other chicks, but they don't have naked necks).
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Handsome guys! Can't wait to see what sort of chicks they produce!
Thanks! The pure white rooster is really good at alarming hens of a hawk/predator around but he's alittle wild and you can't pet him.. The white rooster with black spots will let you pet him but he lacks at warning hens of alarm. He copies what the white rooster says. They are both brothers and are nice to each other.
Dipsy Doodle Doo Good story.............and with photos too ! Send it into a magazine for publication. I am serious ! Why not ! You are so clever anyway. I'll never forget the home made incubator from the chest of drawers that you made and illustrated. Really you should try to publish your stories and home made creations. I bet your are the queen of remake by repurposing and resuing.
That's so nice of you to say! My husband called me "Redneck Martha Stewart" (and he did not mean it in a nice way).
I'm still using the chest-of-drawers incubator. It's stable enough, I set eggs and then left home for a week with no one here to moniter it. I mean, really, how much $$ would I have to spend for an incubator that would hold 500+ eggs and it was *almost* free from scrounged parts and the dumpster chest.
Well come Saturday my Flock of Naked Necks will be gone. There is no market here for them so they gotta go.

I will be keeping 2 hens though, they really crossed well with my EE's and made some nice sized ones for me.
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