Naked Neck/Turken Thread

And yes, it was a barred rock roo over the NN hens.
Lavender Orps were crossed with FBCM, Sultans, Olive eggers and Ameracuanas. Should be interesting!

Yeah interesting! Trying to introduce lavender into the others or...?

Two of my current NN hens are second generation crosses from FBCM. One from a Blue Copper, she's blue. Nice mellow hens.

Hey you should make NN Legbars....
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Crossed with the Olive Eggers to see what the cross will do to the egg color. The other crosses were just for fun with some of my favorite hens that are starting to get up in age.

Cream Legbar roo just turned 4 months old. As soon as he is good to go, he will go in with the NN's! My Isbar roo is absolutely stunning too. My NN's will probably be split between the 2!
Ohhh all the possibilities!!
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Crossed with the Olive Eggers to see what the cross will do to the egg color. The other crosses were just for fun with some of my favorite hens that are starting to get up in age.

Cream Legbar roo just turned 4 months old. As soon as he is good to go, he will go in with the NN's! My Isbar roo is absolutely stunning too. My NN's will probably be split between the 2!
Ohhh all the possibilities!!

Wow nice! You'll had loads of fun and beautiful birds.
Ihave a turken rooster and a brahma hen. They produced a baby. It looks like a speckled but shiny version of dad but no naked neck. It is now almost 4 months old and I do not see the typical roosters signs. Is it too soon? Does the shiny green feathers mixed in on the sides mean a rooster?
Ihave a turken rooster and a brahma hen. They produced a baby. It looks like a speckled but shiny version of dad but no naked neck. It is now almost 4 months old and I do not see the typical roosters signs. Is it too soon? Does the shiny green feathers mixed in on the sides mean a rooster?

Can you see 'pointy' saddle and hackle feathers yet? Pointy saddle and hackle would mean it is a boy-chick.

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