Naked Neck/Turken Thread

Lily. :) We have a speckled one by the name of "Tiger" , but I didn't have time to get a picture of her. Now that they are in a bigger area, maybe I can when I go home!!

And Kassaundra, what beautiful chicks!! :)

Thanks and Lily is beautiful
Done sold out of Naked Necks again. Last two hatches of NN's have sold fast. Only had 9 hatch this time and a lady came last night and bought all 9.
This lady is now the second person to by them from me.
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Typey WITH Fm --- oh that would be beautiful! And I don't see why it isn't 'do - able' ; )
Guess what's in my hatcher...




Not the blackest of the black, but Fm for SURE!!!!!!
Clean legs, single comb, Fm, Naked Neck ---- wheeeeee : )
(excuse the gross nails, I just finished hand-feeding a pigeon-child and got so excited I didn't wash my hands)
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How exciting. I've only just begun my reading on the genetics of chickens. It has been nearly 40 years since my pre-med days that I had any real need for figuring out genetic pairings (and those were mostly theoretical) I'm looking forward to playing with the real thing in my own back yard. It is Autumn here and my spring (October) hatch should start laying soon.
I'm keeping a handful of silkies for just that purpose. They're only 6 months old so not mommy material yet, but in our spring (September/October/November) I hope to have the girls go all broody on me ! Best of luck (I have enjoyed reading your posts :)

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