Naked Neck/Turken Thread

How heartbreaking, I can identify with your pain! We have a problem with Ravens here - and presumably with owls (though this has not been my experience yet). I have lost quail to the ravens and had one attack my littlest silkie but she was rescued by my very diligent rooster - whom I later lost to a snakebite. Lots of nasties here in OZ
Same here... I got my naked neck given to me because the breeder didn't want the chick. Said it put off the buyers of her other baby chicks thinking there might be something "wrong" or an undesirable gene in the pool, so to speak.

I love it! Osma is so cute (read: ugly but interesting) and she has personality plus!
How exciting. I've only just begun my reading on the genetics of chickens. It has been nearly 40 years since my pre-med days that I had any real need for figuring out genetic pairings (and those were mostly theoretical) I'm looking forward to playing with the real thing in my own back yard. It is Autumn here and my spring (October) hatch should start laying soon.
NanaBeth, The picture in your avatar is so clear, I tend to watch for your lips to move when I read your posts!

Very nice Pic!
Guess what's in my hatcher...

Not the blackest of the black, but Fm for SURE!!!!!!
Clean legs, single comb, Fm, Naked Neck ---- wheeeeee : )
(excuse the gross nails, I just finished hand-feeding a pigeon-child and got so excited I didn't wash my hands)

Congrats!! I'd be that excited also! ;) Beautiful chick. I've been there with pigeons- the hand fed ones can be so charming.. or annoying..... lol

Is the chick a splash or white?

My problem with keeping typy Fm line is.. too many projects, so little room. It may still happen because I have the right genes in different birds.... but then I get tempted: Fm bantams, Fm silver laced bantams, Fm LF... where does it end?!?!
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