Naked Neck/Turken Thread

Well, it was chance asking, I am going to back to Greece to bring back a girl cause American girls are strange and only care about money plus most American girls can't cook... I'm only 23 not talking about the old school Americans but young school sucks.. Wanted to kill 2 birds with 1 stone while in Greece that's why I asked.

Best of luck! I'm wondering if Greek girls have been 'Westernized' to a point that many might not be any different. I'm no expert on girls but you might consider looking in the countryside of Greece or less-visited islands.

Well, it was chance asking, I am going to back to Greece to bring back a girl cause American girls are strange and only care about money plus most American girls can't cook... I'm only 23 not talking about the old school Americans but young school sucks.. Wanted to kill 2 birds with 1 stone while in Greece that's why I asked.

Do you have a specific female in mind, or are we talking club and burlap sack?
Some shots from today

Shakespear the head man

Love this young girl

Didn't get a full shot of the mottled girl, but she is really looking good

This blue girl really is pretty

Reba, just a fierce a momma as ever

And of course Rudy shots.

Is Rudy a featherless bird or is that photoshopped?

Not photoshopped, Rudy is featherless, he has a double hit of the Sc gene. He has no feather follicles or scales, so his legs are skin not scales.

This is a natural genetic mutation first discovered in the 1950's in a flock of New Hampshires in California.
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Can someone tell me how to post a post without "replying" to someone's post? Thanks I'm new to this and wanted to show off my babies :)

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