Naked Neck/Turken Thread

Can you post some pics of your chicks Sylvia? I'd love to have them to compare to my little Turken. She/he will be 3 weeks old on Monday and I have no idea what he is.

As far as the aggressive part goes, I think it depends on the individual bird. I had an ameraucana (that was supposed to be a pullet) that started fighting with the other chicks when they were 10 days old. At 5 weeks he was crowing. At 6 weeks he tried to kill another cockerel and started biting me. He wasover the top aggressive and we couldn't keep him. If you want to take the time to work with yours you can try to make him more submissive by doing things like holding him and "pecking" on the back on his head with your finger. He should lower his head and be submissive to you. There is a good article on BYC that explains how to train a rooster. Not sure if it would work in your case or not.

Finally, got pictures yesterday. Male Turken.

Female Turken, Blue Laced Red

I don't know, he looks just like the female, full blood. Don't you think?
Don't you think you might want to leave out a bit more food for them? They might live to be 20 years old! Just kidding....It's clear your birds don't go hungry. Beautiful birds too!
My chickens eat out of a huge 3-gallon feed pan as well. When I first got the chickens I had a waterer, but no feeder, so I just grabbed a pan out of the barn and it stuck. The nice thing is that if they get in the pan and start scratching, the sides are high enough that the food doesn't go flying everywhere.
this is my 9 years old black nn

this week i got 3 from her but last week i got 5
She is a looker also ! Pretty pretty girl. My one black NN hen is a fraidy cat but lays blue/green eggs large size and only a few years old from Dipsy's eggs. She is funky looking Thang.

sort of like Kass's girls (RIP) Thing one and two.
Great pics Sylvia! I guess I'll have to wait to for wattles or crowing. My Turken is an olive, so he's 1/2 Marans, 1/4 Ameraucana, and 1/4 Turken. He has a pea comb. I can already see perhaps the three rows coming in. I'll check again tomorrow. Does your cockerel have a pea comb?

LOL I don't know what a pea comb looks like.

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