Naked Neck/Turken Thread

OOHHHH my!!!! Gorgeous!!!!
Those are just precious!

This might help explain:

Thanks Kev! I'm going to hang this 'pearl' on a Naked Neck *page* if that's OK with you!

The difference in % of chicks coming out with naked necks depends on if the naked neck parent(s) being pure or not pure for the NN gene.
For example:
Pure naked neck x feather-neck = 100% naked necked chicks.
Not-pure naked neck x feather-neck = 50% naked necked chicks, *50% feather-neck.
Not-pure naked neck x not pure naked neck = 75% naked necked chicks (with some being pure NN and most not-pure NN), **25% feather-neck.

*Feather-neck (non- NN) chicks from these matings do not have or carry the gene at all, even if both of their parents were NN.
**Feather-neck chicks from this mating is proof the NN parent(s) are not pure for it.

Did I make it less or more confusing? I'll edit it again after I look something up. Would pure naked neck be (NaNa) and one copy / not-pure naked neck (Na)

Because... I didn't know you could get feather-neck chicks from 2 NN parents. I don't think that ever happened here and it's good to know!

More than okay with me to edit and put up somewhere.

Could be it is wires getting crossed up by what exactly is meant by "NN"- could be either Naked Neck or 2 doses of the naked neck gene(my bad if I misunderstand.. had to enertain a nephew all day, am so exhausted right now lol)... "Formally", pure naked neck would be genotype (NaNa), not pure would be (Nana+) and feather neck (na+na+). The + is just a notation to indicate wild type(Henk's calculator uses it for example). Not naked neck is the wild type version for this gene.

For example to apply it to my own example above:

NaNa x na+na+= 100% Nana+
Nana+ x na+na+= 50% Nana+ 50% na+na+
Nana+ x Nana+= 25% NaNa 50% Nana+ 25% na+na+ (this one is how two naked necked parents can throw feather neck chicks)
NaNa x NaNa= 100% NaNa

Now m
y turn to worry about making it seem more confusing.. this is just the formal verison of my earlier "NN x buff orp".. this works exactly the same as pure NN/not pure NN x feather neck or NaNa/Nana+ x na+na+... I try to go for what might help the most people understand the general idea at the moment.

So these chicks would have to be (Na) / not-pure naked neck --- Pure naked neck x feather-neck = 100% naked necked chicks.
Or could they be (NaNa) / pure for naked neck?

Pure naked neck(NaNa) x feather neck(na+na+) would result in 100% naked neck chicks, but all will not be pure(Nana+)

Not-pure naked neck x feather-neck = 50% naked necked chicks.

I've managed to confuse myself.

No you got the general idea correct it seems to me... Nana+ x na+na+= 50% Nana+(naked neck) and 50% na+na+(feather neck)

edit: Started a Naked Neck page . Grabbed some neat info from Hutt, "Genetics of the Fowl" on Naked Necks (skip the bit about Feather tumors in canaries and Apterylosis, hahaha).

Great start! Good info on that- has the name and date of the "Na" plus the illustration of feather tract area comparisons to boot

This 'quote' business isn't working well today.
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Well all of my eggs hatched and I got twO NN chicks the lil yellow one I posted the other day and this lil girl hatched today :)

And she's already putting models together?! :lol: Smart too ;) I had one hatch out like this today...what color would you say it is? What color did she come from? Precious!:love
Lol yea gotta start then early lol and the roo is a BLRW and I have a pic of my only NN hen not sure o their colors lol but heres the hen
and the first NN chick
and here is the hen when she was a chick
I snapped this real quick...didn't get a good look until I got it off the camera. Wow! I'm in love with these little ones!!
What colors do you think they are? When would I know if they're frizzle or not?

This is the only one so far with a clean neck. What a cutie too, so tiny! I think the black frizzle is the mama.
Dad is blue barred with the black and lavender genes. Two more eggs left to hatch out.

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