Name the eggs! Choose your baby to root for!

I am a tad worried about the crack on #6 (Lisette) but she seems the easiest to peek into. The blue eggs are so easy to see!! Those dark eggs though? YEESH.
I'm so glad I have silkies. Those are all cream or beige so even the darkest ones I can see. I just candled mine due on the 26th and all eight that got this far are still kicking so I'm excited!
Good morning eggies!! All of you, out of bed, it's time for growing school!

Good Morning GIF by Taco Bell
Here we have 2 dozen eggos to choose from. Those numbered 1-12 are due to hatch about 11/7 if I have my due date right lol. The other dozen numbered 13-24 are due to pop out 3 days later around 11/10.

Choose your egg! If you are a fan of D&D you can also add a class and or race! Lol. We will see who makes it to hatch.

This is my first time incubating. Fingers crossed we have a decent hatch! All chicky babies are mysteries too!
I’ll take #’s 11 & 17 if available, if not, please choose 2 for me! Names are Posey & Chicklet 🥰🐣

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