Names for Chickens!


Felix, Rico, Herman


Luna, Loko, Lulu, Sandy, Cinammon, Hawk, Emma, Lettie, Wilma, Henrietta, Mary Jo, Catherine, Katie, Janey, Gladys, Ginger

I'll be looking too as I have 6 chicks to name soon....5 females, 1 male I believe!

I have a few "newbies" in my flock(s)

"Pharoah": Egyptian Fayoumi
"Mrs. Puff": Buff Polish
"Duchess": Cream colored cochin
"Duke": Cream colored cochin and also closely related to SATAN (mean beast)
"Petra": Blue Cochin
"Cleo": Sex Link
Finally came up with our names this past week - with the help of my 4 year old daughter...

2 Mixes
Sparkles and Gertrude

2 Golden Buffs
Goldy & Mathilda

2 Delaware Rock Barred
Delilah and Roxy

My daughter wanted to name them after her grandmas - Karen & Dorothy (but they weren't too keen on it)
Pearl - Light Brahma
Honey Pie - Buff Brahma
Patty Peepers and Bluebell - Barred Rocks
Lucille and Greta - Araucanas (though my son calls them 'Big Face' and 'Secondary Big Face') Greta b/c she is a bit of a loner
Marigold and Buttercup - Buff Orpingtons
Speckles - Golden Laced Wyandotte pullet
Atticus -- Golden Laced Wyandotte suspected Roo
I JUST finished naming all of my girls. It's taken a while for the australorps to get names b/c it was difficult to tell them apart. So anyway we have Jeepers, and Peppers the buff orps. Then Lacey who's supposed to be a sliver laced wyndotte but ???? Then the Lorps are Peckers, Rivers, and Robot Chicken..... at least they are right now. Peckers' name seems to change as does Rivers (she's named after a friend as a joke) though they've been Peckers and Rivers for over a month now so I guess maybe I have decided to stop trying to find perfect names for them. I wasn't super original I guess.
lol. Oh well. Lacey too has a couple of four lettered names.... she's not my favorite I'm afraid and the feeling seems to be mutual
My four girls are: Agnes(Jersey Giant), Pearl(Buff Orp), Florie(Blue Laced Red Wyandotte), and Sylvie(Silver Laced Wyandotte---who also has a "wicked" cross-beak).

In reading through so many of these posts, I've discovered that Agnes and Pearl are not very original, as far a chicken names go.....


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