Nankin Discussion Thread

Interested in buying some nankins to take the place of my incubator. Can someone tell me about how many large sized chicken eggs one Nankins hen can cover and hatch?
New to Nankins here. I have hens from Mary Ann's stock. I'd like a nice straight comb cockerel that is not yet crowing. I'd like to see pics of the stock he's out of and have it shipped to Iowa. Now I'm off to keep reading this thread...
We live in Raleigh, NC and are looking for someone we can donate some rose combed Nankins to. Someone gave them to us, and after researching the breed, we were amazed to find out how rare they are, and how wonderful. We have 2 girls, 2 boys, born April 7, 2016. We are not looking to sell or ship - we would just love to give them to someone who loves Nankins and can take them. With so few around, I don't want to be irresponsible and just separate possible breeding pairs, otherwise we would just keep the hens as pets and get rid of the roos. We quarantined them for a month, and now they are in a new coop near our bantam pair, and about 2-300 feet away from our main flock (our flock is a closed, vaccinated flock). They are so healthy and friendly, just a joy - but we are not breeders. We considered it, but breeders put in so much hard work, and honestly we are just owners of fat happy hens and one darling cochin roo. We don't have the knowledge, ability, or time to breed - hats off to the amazing breeders out there. Anyone know any breeders/collectors of Nankins in our area that we might contact?


This is the place for breeders and hobbyists to discuss Nankin Bantams.
Can someone please help me im trying to learn about how to tell males from females
Feel free to share pics and ramble about improving this rare breed.

From Feathersite:

Sometimes called Nankeens, the Nankins are Asian and reputedly originate from the Nankin or Nanking region of China. Claims have been made that the fowl actually originated in the East Indies (modern Indonesia and Malaysia) and were named for their similarity in color to a light reddish yellow cloth that was produced in Nanking and widely exported. However the name originated, China has a long history of trade with the East Indies, and Europe could well have encountered the fowl in both areas.

The Nankins reached Britain in the 1700s. Suggestions that the fowl originated in Britain sometime after 1847 are clearly erroneous. Nankins are often considered true bantams without a large counterpart, but both large fowl and bantams were originally imported to Britain. Both were much admired for their black tailed light chestnut red coloring (more brilliant and lustrous in the males, approaching orange red on the head and saddle). Sadly, large fowl with blue or green legs faced serious prejudice in Britain and disappeared before the middle of the 19th century. In Hong Kong in 1975 I talked to an Englishman who had seen a flock of large fowl in the New Territories that reminded him of Nankin bantams. The large fowl may still exist in the Orient. The sprightly bantams were for a time one of the most popular breeds in Britain.

The Nankin occur with both rose and single combs. Although single comb fowl predominated in old strains, Sir John Sebright is believed to have used rose comb Nankins in the development of his famous Sebright bantams. I've noted that green legs were at one time present, but slate blue seems to have predominated and this is how they were standardized. A pink stripe on the outside of the shanks is considered desirable. The Nankin is Sebright in type (but not hen feathered) and New Hampshire in color (except the black on the tail is more prominent and the female hackles have no black ticking). Some stock that I saw in Britain in 1972 appeared to have recent infusions of New Hampshire blood. Reportedly, both the original Buff and Black Tailed Buff Rosecomb bantams were created by crossing Nankins with White Rose Comb bantams.

Nankins in North America are very rare. The few I've seen are of good type. It is difficult to believe that such a distinctive, historic fowl has come so close to extinction. This is a bantam breed that should be an SPPA project. (Editor's note: In The Practical Poultry Keeper, 1909, Lewis Wright describes the Nankin as "one of the old breeds of Bantams, and at one time nearly disappeared, but attempts have been recently made to re-introduce it. The best tail to our fancy, is a pure black, with the coverts slightly bronze. The comb is rose; and the dark legs should be perfectly clean.")

Some helpful resources:
Nankin Pics
History of the Nankin
BYPM Nankin Article


Please be sure to sign up to the Nankin Forum.

Things are pretty slow there, but the few members are VERY experienced with this rare breed.

Help heat up the discussions!
Got one of these on accident. She's an awesome little bird. Such a sweet personality.


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Spent last night reading this thread.
it seemed, until 2014, to be the most active thread on Nankins on BYC.

If anyone sees this ... I’m curious .... who is still actively working with/breeding Nankins in 2020?
And if you’ve gotten out of them, why?

If it’s personal, “personal” is fine, but if it’s a poultry issue, I’d like to get feedback.
I’m trying like crazy to get my little fledgling flock off the ground. Saw some concerning genetic issues crop up last year and especially this year.
Thought about giving up out of frustration, but I’m not a quitter.
Nankins were actually used to create other bantam breeds Including Sebrights! 😃

It’s one of the oldest known chicken breeds and is believed to have arrived in England prior to the 1500’s. Unfortunately tbeyre now listed as Critucally Endangered by the Livestock Conservancy.

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