Nasty Hen, Could a Roo straighten her out???


12 Years
Sep 1, 2011
Graham, WA.
I have a 18 month old RIR hen that is just plain nasty to some of the other hens. I have done the time out thing, I have moved her to another coop by herself and later reintroduced her to the flock. This last time I have had her out for about a month I put her in the coop. Thinking she would be low on the pecking order and the next day she was jumping on the backs of 2 of the other hens. She has been back in the coop for 3 days now and already has one of my hens half bald. It looks like someone fought back because she is missing some tail feathers and has a few bald patches..

She is very sweet and gentle with people she will even get on my shoulder when Im out in the garden. She only seems to pick at couple of the other RIR not the BR.

So with that info my question is this.... I have a second coop of older hens and a Roo all mixed breeds. Would it do any good to add her to that coop and see if the Roo can get her in line.. He is a good boy but he keeps his "ladies" in line. I have been reluctant to just add her since this flock is pretty established and have been together for awhile. Plus like I said she does have some exsposed area on her tail end now.

Honestly Im at my last straw with her.... the other option is the freezer. Any ideas????
I would give it a go and just keep an eye things, Roos are pretty good at keeping thier girls in line so he may straighten her out, has she had any contact with the older hens before? Just make sure there is no blood visable on her though before putting her in and if anyone draws blood then take her out.
Good luck
I think it would be kinder to put her in the freezer. A single hen with exposed skin added to an established flock is a set up for bullying with her as the victim. That is, if they are always confined. If they get to free range for a good part of the day so she can get away from then and gradually integrate, then I'd try it, and see how she does.

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