Natural/Organic Chicken Lice Treatment?

my name must of gave me away !!! LOL.... yes i make all natural essential oil bath soaps for some years now. cold & hot process. i have made laundry soap.. and shampoo soap. love making & using it.
soap&eggs :

my name must of gave me away !!! LOL.... yes i make all natural essential oil bath soaps for some years now. cold & hot process. i have made laundry soap.. and shampoo soap. love making & using it.

Cool! Do you have your own business or sell your product? Or just for personal use? I think that is so cool! At least you know for sure what is going into your soap and onto your body
I have mites & lice on my birds, and it's funny I found this thread! My mom was just saying she wished there was a natural way to get rid of mites/lice!
Question: Will this work for mites as well?
Also I am unable to clean their coop, so will they get mites/lice again if I am unable to clean their coop?
Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

I have mites & lice on my birds, and it's funny I found this thread! My mom was just saying she wished there was a natural way to get rid of mites/lice!
Question: Will this work for mites as well?
Also I am unable to clean their coop, so will they get mites/lice again if I am unable to clean their coop?

Hello... after reading the following thread, they say that with mites it is more about treating the coop than chickens. Although I would google about treating your chickens for the mites to see if you can do anything. Hmmm... if I may ask how are you unable to clean the coop? No where to put the old bedding? You might have to spray it then... but it would be hard to get it clean of mites I would think.

Here is a good link I have heard that orange guard (a natural spray) works well in the coops but not to be used on the chickens. I am going to get some orange guard to keep on hand. The more and more I read I hear it is best to practice pest prevention (I know you already have them, but to prevent a re-infestation) I have been dusting everything with organic food grade DE also. I hope this helps somewhat... good luck!​
Hello... after reading the following thread, they say that with mites it is more about treating the coop than chickens. Although I would google about treating your chickens for the mites to see if you can do anything. Hmmm... if I may ask how are you unable to clean the coop? No where to put the old bedding? You might have to spray it then... but it would be hard to get it clean of mites I would think.

Here is a good link I have heard that orange guard (a natural spray) works well in the coops but not to be used on the chickens. I am going to get some orange guard to keep on hand. The more and more I read I hear it is best to practice pest prevention (I know you already have them, but to prevent a re-infestation) I have been dusting everything with organic food grade DE also. I hope this helps somewhat... good luck!

My main coop has 67 grown chickens, in an old room in a barn. Before we had those chickens in there we had 70 - 80 Bantams in there, then goats for about 2-3 months then chickens again! And before we een had animals in there it already had been used for an animal.
So I'd say there is at least 3-4 ft cover of animal poo, hay etc. Believe me I had tryed countless times to clean it out .. didn't work!
And I can not perswayed my dad and brothers to build me anything so I'm fixed! Can't do anything about it! And what makes matters worse is that all my 67 grown chickens are my main supply of eggs and because they have bugs I'm getting maybe 5-7 eggs a day if even that many!
What can I do? What would you do?
Sigh... well... WOW! Even though I fully support organic and natural ways of doing things. Sometimes one must decide if thier time/efforts/abilities will be overexherted, and will it cause you to be more stressed etc. in doing it a natural/organic way. (I am just speaking about all things in life in general)

So in your situation, if I had already tried to clean out the coop without sucess I would resort to an inorganic method, possibly a spray of some sort or powder. Some have said that Sevin has worked well for them, however that stuff gives me an INSTANT headache. My mom used to use it on the dogs for fleas and just being around the dogs afterward gave me a headache, so I knew it wasn't a healthy thing.... come to think of it I am not sure if it would work on mites... I would google what it is used for.

It sounds like the infestation may be pretty bad by how many chickens you have and how few eggs you are getting. That is another reason I would try a inorganic method if I were you. Maybe someone knows something different? Again I haven't tried the Orange Gaurd but that might be your only hope for a natural way.

I hope this helps somewhat and good luck.
I just used this method today and so far so good!! Good luck to all those venturing into chicken bathing! I hope everyone has lice/mite free chickens in the near future!!

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