Natural/Organic Chicken Lice Treatment?

Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

I am trying to get an old Cotten Trailer for my 67 grown chickens. So far haven't found one ...

Hey do you have an old swing set? I saw someone on here make it into a coop with chicken tractor. Have you looked in your local ads in the paper? Craigslist? (be careful with craigslist though lots of scams going on I hear) What is your budget? One thing we did was call around to stores and looked on craigslist for free wood pallets, we used those as our frame and then just got plywood and nailed it onto the pallets... bottom, top and sides. We got our paint for free from our local recycling center. Also you might contact contractors in your area sometimes they have wood scraps that are still good.​
No - don't have anytruck beds laying around! Too Bad though!

We have plenty of supplys, that's not an issue it's just they don't have the time! Maybe this week I can get'em working at it?!?
Darn! Well I hope they can at least get you started, good luck! If you get a new coop it will probably be easier to treat for the lice and mites. I wouldnt put them in the new area until they have been treated. Good luck to you!
We have a whole stack of huge concreate ( < SP? ) forms that my dad had left over from a bridge job, so we could make a huge coop!

I had success with a warm bath with a couple of drops of lavender oil and a bar of goats milk soap. Rinse well. Wash again if more are noticed and dust with DE when dry.
I'm not sure why, but I followed this dip exactly and almost lost my favorite chicken.
Filled a tank full of the warm (not hot) water, vinegar, and salt. I set my calmest, favorite chicken in the dip and held her for about three minutes. She seemed very relaxed and sleepy. I was thinking just how easy this lice treatment was going to be. After I rinsed her off I sat her in the grass and she feel over. She couldn't walk straight, she was confused, and seemed dizzy. I held her in a towel, fluffing her and keeping her awake for over half an hour. Her eyes kept dialating and she would have occasional hard shakes and gasp. I was a vet tech for several years and have had chickens most of my life. None of the ingredients are harmful so I'm not sure what effected her so badly, but something did. I almost killed my favorite chicken tonight trying out this natural remedy. Please proceed with extreme caution.

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