Naughty Birdies


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 5, 2013
Last night around sunset, The hubs, kids and I busied ourselves as usual w our nightly routine and getting our babies to bed.  Got the ducks and geese snuggled tightly into their little lean-to and got our ladies and the turkey into their pen.  We always watch to make sure they settle in everynight. Big Mama, Shrimp and Eyebrows all climbed the ramp as usual and settled in snuggly to the coop.  Wishbone, the turk, flew up to her roost and settled down.  Then there was Pothead.  Our dear beloved Barred Rock.  Her name suits her so well.  Our lil oddball decided a sleepover w her buddy, Wishbone, was in order.  We watched as she flew up to the roost and settled down.  The hubs and I figured "eh, no harm in one night".  WRONG!!! As the two began a lil "chat" their inner juvenile deliquents made an appearance.  Just as the hubs and I were about to turn around and go inside, Pothead climbs the chicken wire in an attempt to "sneak out".  Followed closly by guess who, Why Wishbone of course!!!!  After 30 mins of coaxing them from their new "roost" and the help of a ladder we got our girls back inside.  A good stern talking to and refusal of nightly treats and our girls were in their "rightful" places and fast asleep.  Needless to say there will be NO MORE SLEEPOVERS for those two. 

Anyone else have some Naughty Birdy stories....
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In our rooster pin or the boys bachelor pad,I have a BO named Henry. I went out to let them out for the day and as I am walking out of their run, I hear the egg song,I should add the Alpha roo of the bunch is already outside at the feeder stuffing his beak. He hears the egg song and gets excited starts doing the little wing dance and stomping his little feet running around looking for whichever hen is singing the song,the hen pin is out of sight from the roosters and I hadn't let the gals out yet so they were still inside their coop. I walk back into the rooster coop and see Henry singing the egg song and right about that time Gene pops his little self in(Gene is a bantam phoenix) and sees that it is Henry singing the song;as soon as Gene seen it was Henry,Gene got mad and chased him out of the coop while Henry was running it sounded as if he was laughing. I,myself am rolling with laughter because I never knew chickens could have a sense of humor. Seeing this rooster the size of a deflated football chasing down the other roo who is the size of a watermelon and hearing Henry laugh/cluck,it was one of those times I wish I had grabbed the camera to record the whole scene.
I have two stories one is of a silkie hen, the other is about my rooster who died last winter Mr. Bigglwiggles. First the hen, my dad had barrowed a trailer from a friend and he needed it so he came to get it, while looking around for the hitch for it one of our crazy silkie hens came and attacked him after trying to fight the hen off he decided to just leave without the hitch haha. When my rooster Mr. Bigglwiggles was alive I had trained him somehow to answer to his name so when I was outside I would call his name and he would come running up to and then would fallow me around until I went inside he was a Black Old English bantam.
In our rooster pin or the boys bachelor pad,I have a BO named Henry. I went out to let them out for the day and as I am walking out of their run, I hear the egg song,I should add the Alpha roo of the bunch is already outside at the feeder stuffing his beak. He hears the egg song and gets excited starts doing the little wing dance and stomping his little feet running around looking for whichever hen is singing the song,the hen pin is out of sight from the roosters and I hadn't let the gals out yet so they were still inside their coop.  I walk back into the rooster coop and see Henry singing the egg song and right about that time Gene pops his little self in(Gene is a bantam phoenix) and sees that it is Henry singing the song;as soon as Gene seen it was Henry,Gene got mad and chased him out of the coop while Henry was running it sounded as if he was laughing. I,myself am  rolling with laughter because I never knew chickens could have a sense of humor.  Seeing this rooster the size of a deflated football chasing down the other roo who is the size of a watermelon and hearing Henry laugh/cluck,it was one of those times I wish I had grabbed the camera to record the whole scene.

The hubs and I cracked up over this......we r gonna need some psych treatment if our BO boys act like that.....Pothead is enough for

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