Nearly 4 weeks old now, can you guess our sexes? ***PICS***


Crazy for Cochins
10 Years
Apr 24, 2009
Tab, Indiana
Ok, I have 14 chicks, 8 EE's, 5 Bantam Cochins, and 1 Cochin/Silkie cross, and I think I have the gender right on at least 2 of the EE's, and most, if not all, of the Cochins. But I'd like to ask some opinions on the others. Here we go...

This is Wendell. He started out as Wendy, until that comb started to go into overdrive, lol, so I started calling him Wendell. I am nearly 100% certain that this is a rooster. He's a sweetie for a roo, but a bit of a booger, lol:

Here is my little Blue Cochin, Silverado. I am fairly certain this is a roo too, look at that comb!:

This is Donna, our first EE chick to hatch. He/She hatched a day earlier than all the other chicks. I'm really hoping it's a pullet and not a roo. Donna is quiet and up until it hit about 2 1/2 wks old, was the most laid back chick in the bunch. Donna has beautiful white feathers coming in around it's neck. the rest of it's body is brown:

This is Maya. Any chance this is a girl? Right now they are all chest bumping, so it's hard to tell who is, or is not exhibiting rooish behavior, lol:

Here on the left is Georgia. I am also hoping this one is a pullet, cause I love it's colors and I want it to be one of the ones that stays. Georgia is the most curious of all the EE's, and you can see the wheels turning when you look it in the eye. Sometimes it exhibits hen behavior, but sometimes it exhibits roo like behavior, so I'm stumped. On the right is Donna:

This here is Hershey, so named because when it first hatched, it was as chocolate brown as a Hershey candybar. Hershey has the best temperment of all the EE's. It's a very quiet chick and still content to be picked up and held, and will contentedly perch on my arm for long periods of time even though all the other chicks run like mad when you try to hold them. Hershey is a wonderful bird, and is definitely staying! Is it a pullet like I suspect? It has almost no comb:

This here is my little Black Cochin. Her name is Eve. It has a comb coming in, but it's not quite as prominent as that of my Blue Cochin, or the Splash Cockerel. I am REALLY hoping it's a pullet cause I need to add it to my breeding program to breed for Blue Mottled (this chick and the blue one have a Splash parent and a Black Mottled parent):

I couldn't get as many good head shots as I wanted to today cause the "kids" were just having too much fun running around to stop and let me take their pictures, lol. But these are the chicks I am most curious about. I'll have to find pictures of Gina and Jill. Oh, and I want someone to take a look at Jill's feet too because two toes on one of her/his feet have sort of bent off to the side. It's a recent occurance, and it doesn't hinder how Jill gets around, but I don't know what is going on with those two toes. They look broken, but that's not possible. She/He hasn't fallen or received any trauma to it's feet. I'll see if I can get a picture of Jill's foot tomorrow. In the meantime, can anyone guess at what I have here? I need to take a picture of my little Clementine too. That's my Cochin/Silkie mix. I know which birds I want to keep, and which I plan to sell. I'm just hoping that I'm not left with more roos than pullets, cause I never have any luck rehoming roos here! Can't wait to see what people have to say...
I'm no good at this but usually this is a popular game guessing what the chickie is
maybe this will get the post up higher for some answers .
They all look like pullets to me, except maybe the top one. Hard to tell though. I have a barred rock that popped out a red comb right at the outset, but has simmered down now and I think it is a pullet after all. Time will tell.

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Oh, now that would be wonderful, but I'm not holding my breath, lol. Especially since the Blue Cochin likes to do more of the chest bumping.
Really? Even Silverado? Here's another view of his comb. The other pic I had of him he was sort of in the sun:


Doesn't this look like a roo? I'd be thrilled if it were a pullet though!

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