Nebraskans Speak Up!!! NEBRASKA ROCKS!!

Thanks! I really wanted to name my chickens "Nugget" or "Omelet" my friend named the 3 RIRs at the garden Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner...not really original but hilarious because they are not very nice girls...they peck and are not social. They were never really around people before we got them so I am sure it is a bit unnerving for them to be in the city and around people. "Rose" was raccoon breakfast and so now we need a Rose and Dorothy! Those names came out of my son naming his chicken (BO) Sophia. We decided the GG would be fitting. Sophia is really a loud chicken compared to Blanche (Black Australorp).

Thanks for the PM....

Aww..yeah...I suppose it would be quite the adjustment for hens to become city girls....and to learn to be social if they didn't start out that way. Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner is pretty stinking funny for names tho!
You dont happen to be the guy I talked to about the geese, do you? Just wondering!

Oh as far if anyone wants eggs, I have chicken eggs coming out my ears. MOST of bbs orpingtons but I couldnt guarantee all pure at all, as I also have a barred rock/orp roo running around, and one standard cochin hen, one bantam cochin hen, and about 4 young hens that are mixed breed.

Oh and I have a one silkie roo and one sebright roo running around that apparently throw an oddball mix if they can catch the big ladies, which mostly they cant. I do have two very suspicious looking younguns tho.

And I have one pair of silkies, pretty good quality that I know are pure, but the colors are not pure. She is black, he is rust, and they have throw the weirdest colored babies u have ever seen. I hatched three whites, one black, three rust/reds, and one of the prettiest lil hens you have ever seen, really dark, with white frosting on her neck, like a partridge only with silver. And darned if I can get HER into a coop, even tho I would LOVE her for breeding. I have 3 3 silkie eggs collected, but they would be test eggs, as momma went broody back in December and is raising children. Up uptil lately she told daddy no when he tried anything funny. So I would THINK they would be fertile, not 100% tho. I have one egg in bator as test due next week and she will probably have laid quite a few more by then.

Anyhow, been a horrid week. My fingers are healing up tho, at least I can type now. Truck no one can figure out whats wrong. Niece had emergency dental surgery, she was in so much pain. My baby peacock died, I think worms, but I was doctoring it last night, put him in a blanket on the table so he could see everybody and next thing I know he felt better, tried to fly and hit the ground and broke his neck. I am absolutely exhausted.

I hate this week, I really really hate it. (This is the week that my bro in law passed some years back, Mom had heart attack 3 years ago, etc, and this week hasnt really been so great either.

Need a lot of hugs for sure.
thndrdancr I think it was me you were talking about geese with.

I should have gotten pics yest. but we had a stray dog in the area and I didnt want to let them out. The two ganders I am talking about are ( I think) the two in the back, the one on the right for sure and I think the one on the left, if not then the white one in the middle front.( I dont remember) I also have a female that was hatched last spring, she is laying now. She is not in this pic. but is all grey like a touluse.
I'm very sorry to hear you are having such a hard week...I hope that your mind and heart are comforted with the reminder of the good times with the family I know you must miss terribly
What happened with your finger? I think I must have missed something...

I'm glad that Slightly stepped in to say it was them you talked to about the geese...cause I don't have any

I could possibly be persuaded to take a chance on some BBS orpington hatching eggs...
oh as to my fingers, I posted somewhere on this site about my Pyr taking off with me still attached to him while chasing a cat. I only did the flapping like the cartoon person in the wind for a few seconds before I hit the dirt/mud/snow.

Kinda messed me up a bit. Among other things. Also this week, my sis granddaughter had to have emergency dental surgery at only not even 5 years old yet to extract her baby teeth becuase her big ones were coming in.
Poor kid, she is so grown up about it. Then sis truck broke down the same day we ran out of chicken food, so I have been supplementing with cheerios, oatmeal, plea's to hold on and to go forage for themselves. None of it worked too well. Just kind of a bad week all told. Ya figure its the stars?

Oh and not to confuse, and thanks slightly, your gander looks very pretty. But reason I asked bout the geese, I had talked to a guy that had advertised on CL, he had geese, WH ducks (which I missed out on) and some other stuff. I called him and we talked geese for a long time, he raised all kinds and is really knowledgeable and lives fairly close to me. He had some very pretty pomeranians which I also missed out on, at least I did if the silly guy that bought everything up comes to get them from another state this weekend. (Hope for me he is a no show!) ha

Anyhow, I tried to download some pics but its dreadful slow!

(Looking for a new home for this guy, he is one of the progeny that I have, very nice eye candy.)


Some hens...




My rooster

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Yikes!! No good about your fingers.... I really hope they heal up quickly...
If you are looking for waterfowl, I do know a few people from the poultry club and could always see if they have anything available. We probably wont have another meeting before the show in late April. There are quite a few people around here that raise waterfowl and have quite a variety. What I'm having a hard time finding is some blue runner ducklings..not many people seem to be raising the runners anymore, at least not that I've been able to find. I've got a couple of leads I'm tracking down and I'll see how it goes.

I'll have to see about my breeding pens and if I would have an extra available for some Orpingtons. I am hoping to do a lot of planning on paper since I'm hearing we are supposed to start getting more snow starting tomorrow. I am so not excited about that, but I'm certainly not going to be moving birds from their stalls in the barn to the outside breeding pens just yet....but hopefully soon. Then I will have a much better idea of what space I'll be working with. I also need to get seeds started for the garden. I'm doing quite the variety and am starting all the seeds for two other gardens too...and I'm sure I will have extra plants as I always have I'm gonna have my hands full
Not to mention all the other projects I've got going. I'm determined to get my 'to do' list cleaned up and to use space more efficiently all over the place, inside and out.

I messed up my PM to you, but I think it is saying that your box is full and I can not resend.

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I have erased a few messages, hopefully I have room now. Good news, the one silkie egg I put in the bator is fertile, so hopefully the 3 I have collected since then should be fertile for you too.

Not sure how things will work out with this supposed snowstorm coming. Neighbor came to pick up her pea and take him back home and we might have caught the wrong guy, so hard to tell them apart. lol I guess if he doesnt like it over there he will come back, but she has heat lamps an stuff in her coop, whereas mine roost in the old cold pole barn when the bitter winds blow, so if it IS the wrong pea, hers will be mad and mine will think he never had life so easy! lol

I will pm and give you my phone and stuff. Its just as close to Lincoln as it is to Seward, and I have to go to Lincoln all time anyhow so no prob with meeting in Lincoln as long was weather is good.

Sure hate to see more snow. Yuk! So ready for spring.

Gila, just let know if you want some eggs and when. Like I said, there are a few mixes in but mostly orps and you can tell when they hatch if they are orps or not, cuz the ones with feathered feet and muffs are the mixes. lol

Glad to see more Nebraskans stopping by! This thread hasn't been terribly active since I've joined here...but I hopefully it will pick back up again. What breeds of chickens do you have? Or are you just still deciding what kind you want and etc?
I don't think it will be long until you are totally hooked on chickens

I'm just getting into it but I am going to do a pretty good size flock of layers. I ordered the other day and got an assortment really, RIR,delaware,dominiques, golden WYandotte,BR, Red and Black star, Araucana, buff orp,cuckoo Maran. Oh and a blue silkie for the girls. Like I said a pretty good size flock!! with a lot of variety:lol:

Glad to see more Nebraskans stopping by! This thread hasn't been terribly active since I've joined here...but I hopefully it will pick back up again. What breeds of chickens do you have? Or are you just still deciding what kind you want and etc?
I don't think it will be long until you are totally hooked on chickens

I'm just getting into it but I am going to do a pretty good size flock of layers. I ordered the other day and got an assortment really, RIR,delaware,dominiques, golden WYandotte,BR, Red and Black star, Araucana, buff orp,cuckoo Maran. Oh and a blue silkie for the girls. Like I said a pretty good size flock!! with a lot of variety:lol:

Hahaha...good deal! Where are ya gettin them from? Did ya order just pullets or straight runs? I love my Marans, they can be very sweet, I spoil them rotten tho

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