Necrotic foot


In the Brooder
Jul 24, 2022
I was approached by my manager at work who requested I try to catch a chicken in our parking lot who had a broken foot. I ended up catching her and putting her in a box to keep her calm until I got home. After getting home, I see the injury is far worse than I thought. The flesh is necrotic, her foot is very swollen, and her foot bones are protruding from her skin. I'm thinking amputation is the best option, but there are no vets who work on chickens nearby so I'd likely have to do it myself. Is there another feasible option or will I have to attempt chicken surgery myself?
I don't think doing it yourself is feasible, and maybe not even ethical. she'd need to be put under for one thing, treated for shock, a few weeks of antibiotics and some animals, like some people, give up after loosing a limb.
I don't think doing it yourself is feasible, and maybe not even ethical. she'd need to be put under for one thing, treated for shock, a few weeks of antibiotics and some animals, like some people, give up after loosing a limb.
As it stands right now, she can't even walk on that foot. She just hops around on her good foot so it seems apparent that she will likely never walk again. I could just give her a whole bunch of antibiotics in the hope of staving off further infection, but it would really suck if she had to deal with the pain for the rest of her life.

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