Need 1st Aid Help...3 month Polish hen foot/leg eaten off last night by predator

I had the same issue the other day and someone on here (a vet, I believe) said they even though they don't act like they're in pain they are and the kindest thing is to put it done. :(

I know how hard that is to do....but honestly....if it's going to be in pain.

There are TONS of threads on the most humane way to accomplish this. I had my husband do it.

I've got another one whose foot is messed up not sure how that happened...I'm trying to decide what the best way to handle this one is.

Regardless...good luck and I'm sorry it's not an ez decision to deal with.
You don't have to cull! I was watching a show and a guy had five rescue hens that were all missing 1 leg. They had some kind of stump put there and they got around fine. After she gets used to missing the leg, I doubt she'll even know its gone.

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