Need a little advice, first chicks!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 1, 2009
Although I've had free range chickens for 5-6 years they've never hatched eggs. I bought a bunch of bantams this spring only to lose them to a fox except one Bantam Cochin!!! She is free range but made her nest in an animal cage up high in my little greenhouse. The floors were pallets with big gaps. It's been 3 days since they hatched. I'm sure they need to get out of that cage. So my son and I covered the floor with plywood and some flooring. And I put the cage on the floor and took the top off?! Is that ok?! She hatched 7 out of 10 chicks!!!
How sweet! My standard cochin hen stays broody most of the time. I don't have a grown rooster ( I suspect my free polish from McMurray's will be a cockerel) just yet, but I'm looking forward to allowing her to hatch some fertile eggs. I just throw her out of the nest every day to collect the eggs there since they aren't fertile.
She has three eggs left that I don't think she's gonna give up on! I guess I should take them out. These hatched on Sunday!

Thanks everyone!!! I think they are adorable!

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