Need advice and feel like an idiot. Chicks afraid of the dark?

Attila the Hen

11 Years
Nov 6, 2010
Blue Ridge GA
I have 4 chickens that are about 14-15 weeks old. I have been bringing them in at night. (I know I's sad) Last night I tried to leave them in the coop on top of the box the big girls sleep in. One and then another got hysterical about it al and both jumped on my shoulders in terror. (They don't care to be handled so that was extreme behavior for them)
I don't know if I should force them to stay and put them in cat carriers or wait until they are bigger and integrated with the other chickens? Although I have hardwire covering the open pen, they will not be able to sleep in the reinforced box with the older girls and rooster until they are safe together.
I feel very foolish about raising this, but need some input here. Please.
Have the young chickens been around the flock at all? They might not be afraid of the dark but of the other chickens. If they have been with the adult flock and are still scared, you might just try letting them go to bed with the flock when everyone goes to bed naturally. I know my hens are all ready for bed when it is still light out so they never really see how dark it is outside.
They spend a couple of hours a day near the older chickens who still chase them and bully them. They are alright if they can run away which I make sure they can--most of the time. They've lost a few feathers but no blood.
You may be right. They could see the older hens disappear into the box and hear them. They may be afraid because they don't know where they are and that they are not in danger. I considered taking them back to the coop after the others are settled in.
How long will it take for the flock to accept them?
I add my chicks really early, I have them living with the adults as soon as they are fully feathered so around 6 weeks usually. For the most part they learn to stay away from the adults really quick and make a kiddie flock with their own pecking order. My current babies are about the same age as yours and they still hang out on the edges of the flock but are starting to interact with the adults. I think that once the babies get some size on them the grown ups start to accept them more. Are you separating your babies from the flock a lot?
Yes. I have a separate area for them on the other side of the house. First to quarantine and also because a snake got in the larger coop and ate a baby. They spend most of the day in the nursery. In fact after your comment I have decided it is the other chickens that are worrying them. I am going to let them stay out in the nursery tonight for the first time. It is not secure but I will make sure the dogs are out and one is tied up nearby. At least then I will see if they can handle the nights out.
My other challenge is that I can't keep them in the larger coop because the adults need to go in to lay eggs. They would not be safe in the open coop even in a pet carrier. I considered just letting them out and then they could run but I am not ready for that when I am not at home. Also they can get through the pickett fence.
I really appreciate your insights.
Chickens have very, very poor night vision. They will not feel safe in a new environment that they haven't seen in the daytime. Also, have they learned to roost yet? They need to learn bedtime skills! They also see you as a protector, and are no doubt scared of the big hens. I have ideas about how to integrate the two flocks here:
Thank you Terry. I found the part where you know it's okay for them to be together when they are free ranging together. I guess it will take some time. Right now the sun is setting and I have put them in the nursery where they are at home. They do perch but it is only about 8 inches off the ground. They are poking their heads through the fencing and crying at me. They should be sleeping by now-- they are when they are inside. I feel pathetic.

Okay! I relented and brought them in. But very soon they go out.
When I first put chicks in the big coop with the big chickens I just staple up some of that orange plastic net fencing you can buy at Home Depot and divide a small area just for them with food and water. I make it high enough so no one flies over and cut a slit in it that I use velcro ties to close for me to get through to refill things. They stay in there a week or however longer for everyone to get used to one another. I use a 25 watt bulb (red if you can find one) in a heat lamp to give them a nightlight because they are scared when in a new environment especially if they have always had a heat lamp. After they are comfortable ( over the first week), the light goes off, and then the fence gets opened for a few days, then removed.
I guess I'm a softie because I put a small nightlight in the coop when I integrate house brooded chicks for a week or so. It's positioned so that it only throws enough light that they can see into the 2 dark corners on the ground.

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