Need Advice! Confused about what best treatment plan would be? Antibiotic type/route?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 28, 2012
So I am new to chicken raising and very confused about how to go about treating my chickens. There is a lot of information on here that I have been reading, but I am not sure which course is right for my chicks. Apparently I have bought some infected chickens. Big Sigh. I have been having problems with them since I got them two weeks ago. Mites and respiratory. I posted something previously about this. Culling them is not an option for me. I have already become attached to the chickens. I am not planning on breeding or hatching any chickens. I just bought some as hobby chickens/pets and as an added bonus for eggs.

I few of the chickens are sneezing and have runny noses. One of my chickens (houdan -my favorite chick!) though has developed a possible eye infection. It is puffy, red, she either keeps it closed or can only open it halfway, and has eye drainage. It is on the side that her nose keeps getting stopped up. Another one of my chickens (polish) a few days ago was making a 'gurgling' or 'crackling' sound when she breathed. I have not noticed this lately....It seems better.

My question is what type of antibiotic should I use? I just gave the Houdan with the eye problem a 1/4 cc injection of Tylan 50. She is only about 4 1/2 - 5 weeks old. I attempted to give it in the breast area. She is so tiny though. I was able to get it under her skin. Is she too young to be using an injectable on? Can I just give the injectable down her throat? I read somewhere on here that you can do a tylan and saline flush for eye and nose. Would this be better to do with her than giving her the 1/4 cc of Tylan? Or is that recommended in addition to it? I also read that you can use a triple antibiotic ointment on their eye. Is this recommended?

I was reading on here that Duramycin 10 is given a lot when chickens start sneezing. I bought some of this as well. I was wondering if I should separate my Houdan from the others, and put the Duramycin in the water for the other chickens. Or should I wait to see if this Tylan 50 is going to work for the Houdan and then decide on how to treat the others? Or should I start the other chickens on the Tylan 50 as well? I just don't know what would be best to do. I don't know of a vet I could ask or take chicken to around here either.

I have also been using saline solution for her eye, Vetrx swabbed on nostrils, and Saveachick Electrolytes. I started giving them a little bit of yogurt mixed with feed and honey as well.
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