Need advice from peeps about how to put chicks under my broody hen! **** Picture update!****

Oneacre Homestead

8 Years
May 25, 2011
Hi - I have a little Cochin bantam who has been sitting on some fake eggs for three weeks. I have some chicks that just arrived yesterday. I took a couple out there to her but she pecked them to get away from her. Is it worth another try - perhaps in the dark? How exactly have y'all done this successfully?
I went out there with this vague idea that I would just stick the chicks under her and that would be it- ha she acted like I was a crazy person attacking her nest!
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Do the deed in the dark. Take the fake eggs out and put the chicks under. I usually sit and wait 15 minutes or so just to make sure everything ok, then check again in the morning as early as you possibly can. Good luck!
Do the deed in the dark. Take the fake eggs out and put the chicks under. I usually sit and wait 15 minutes or so just to make sure everything ok, then check again in the morning as early as you possibly can. Good luck!

Do the deed in the dark. Take the fake eggs out and put the chicks under. I usually sit and wait 15 minutes or so just to make sure everything ok, then check again in the morning as early as you possibly can. Good luck!

x4. I had a customer who purchased 2 1/2 week old chicks from me to put under her broody a couple of years ago. I was dubious the hen would accept them at that age and size but she was desperate. I advised her to wait until well after dark and then slip the chicks under her. She called me next morning to tell me the hen was proudly shepherding her brood around the yard, apparently none the wiser. True story.
Hi! I think it totally worked! I went out there with three chicks and they snuggled right under her and they started making cute little noises and so did my hen! I was so encouraged that I took six more out there. They all fit under her no problem! This morning it was a bit cold (45). I went out and they were all stil under her, making happy noises, except one who was hopping Around her and on her, even pecking a bit in her face. The hen seemed totally happy with this and eventually the chick crawled underneath her again. I am going back out in a bit.
There is a chick feeder and waterer right next to them so hopefully when it warms up they can get up and eat.
Thank you sooooo much for helping!!!
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