Need advice on meds to keep on hand!


May 18, 2016
NE Louisiana
Several questions about medications. I apologize in advance for length and typos!

My little flock consist of:
1 Roo (approx 1 yr)
2 Lil Stags (approx 4.5 months)
3 Hens (approx 1 yr)
2 Pullets (approx 5.5 months)
1 Pullet (approx 4.5 months)
1 Hen (approx 7.5 months)

I know I need to worm my feathered babies,but not sure which to use. I would like to use one 1)that will GET ALL worms that chickens can get 2) that I won't have to discard eggs after administering it. It doesn't matter whether injection or oral as I work with native / exotic animals and administrating an injection doesn't bother me....

Also I would like to get something for the avain pox. I think my 2 stags and pullet have the dry strand. As I understand it doesn't "go away", but I don't want it to get worse. Once again I don't to have to discard eggs after administering it.

Also any meds that you feel I need to keep on hand I'd appreciate the name, dose and what you use for.

BYC has been a blessing for the crazy newbie. Thanks in advance and again please forgive the length.

I'd recommend contacting @casportpony re: worms and such. She's excellent when it comes to meds and dosages.

As far as general meds to keep on hand...

Ibuprofen is good, same uses as in humans, dosage is 200mg per two cups of drinking water (three cups in very hot weather).

Triple antibiotic ointment/Neosporin for wounds. Avoid the options that include pain medication (lidocaine, benzocaine, etc.), as they have the potential to cause toxic reactions in poultry. The exception is Pramoxine/Pramocaine, which is separate from the aforementioned medications and doesn't pose the same potential risk.

Penicillin is good to have on hand but only really necessary in the very nasty wounds or infections. Most birds get along fine with topical antibiotics only. If you can get your hands on it, Amoxicillin is even better and more effective in the cases where oral antibiotics are necessary.

Tums; in case you have a hen with calcium deficiency.

Save-A-Chick electrolytes and NutriDrench are generally helpful pick-me-ups for any bird feeling under the weather.

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