Need advice on my chukar hatching eggs

Update! I ended up assisting all of the ones left. To my relief (mixed feelings lol) the majority of them were dead early on or not fertile. There are a few that, had I assisted on day 23-25, we might have saved them. Live and learn & try harder next time đź’ś
Thanks for the update! Sorry you had a tough hatch. It happens. Any pics of the babies? I've never seen chukar chicks before.
They are pretty tiny babies!


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The breeder that sold me the eggs told me the shells are so thick it’s useless to candle. I have a thermometer in the bottom with the eggs and it’s reading very close to what the bator says and very consistent.
Candlers vary greatly in ability. I was able to find an LED candler that allowed me to successfully candle both quail and dark Marans eggs.

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