Need advice on whether to euthanize a sick hen who's a beloved pet

I recently lost two of my 3 yr old hens to what I figured was EYP. Both had stopped laying at about 1.5 yrs, so something was "up" for a long time. Both of them suffered from the horribly swollen abdomen- although one had it come and go over about a year before she died (suddenly, seizures). The other, a RIR, just was doing so poorly that we finally killed her. I cut both of them open to have a look, and it was shocking. I can't believe that they lived as long as they did. The RIR had about a quart of evil greenish liquid inside, meaning that her liver was not functioning. The Welsummer also had the nasty green fluid but the terrible thing about her was the size of her liver. It weighed 9 ounces and was pushing against her ribs. All of her intestines and other organs were completely entrained in what I take to be tumorous material. They both had major issues with their reproductive tracts, as well, with hard lumps of egg yolk loose in the abdomen and random cysts/tumors throughout. Which problem came first? i don't know.

I can't believe that they both lived as long as they did, given how bad things were inside. Knowing what I know now, I might have put them out of their misery rather than letting it drag on so long. Good luck with your hen.
Thanks again. Just got back from the vet with Clementine. He drained some fluid from her abdomen and confirmed EYP. At least we've made her more comfortable. I told him I'd have her euthanized once she stops eating and drinking. He gave me a needle and syringe and showed me how to drain her abdomen every few days to make her feel a bit better.
I'm sorry for what you've gone through with your girls, and totally understand being a chicken person who can't imagine culling... I had to put a hen down who was less than a year old down last week and am still crying over it. She couldn't breathe, and I couldn't let her suffocate. The vet was closed, so I had to do it myself---the hardest thing I've ever done in my life! It's hard as hell to love farm animals, but not have the mentality of a farmer. I just wanted to say that your hens are so lucky to be loved while they're here, and that both of us need to let them go when it's their time... If you figure out how to do it without emotional pain, please let me know!!!
I'm so very sorry as well. I can't put my own down either. Who would have thought that there could be so much worry over chickens?

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