Need advice re:coop and broody hen (pix in post)


6 Years
Feb 16, 2017
Falkland BC
I have a first timer young broody hen sitting on a nest. My nest boxes are about 1.5-2 feet from the floor where she set in everyone's favourite box. I thought this was too high to hatch chicks so I removed her and put her in a basket and covered her with another basket in the kitchen like my grandma did.

Here is the dilemma: I want her to be with the flock but still safe from the other birds because I want to prevent pecking order issues so she needs to go back to the coop before the others forget her and she needs to hatch there.

Here is the issue with the coop. The house was made to lock up wolves at night. Previous owner was breeding wolves. I made improvements to turn it into a chicken coop because the house is sturdy with a great roof. There is a corner that is separated with a foot high board. I kept straw there and I used it to transition new chickens to the coop and I was able to protect the little ones with a wire panel and door. In the winter I could use the heat lamp over the water to prevent freezing. I covered that spot now so the nest could go out there and the hens won't sit on top of the wire, and the broody could get off the nest when she wants to. The new chickens won't be able to get out of there and maybe that's ok in the first few weeks. What happens after a few weeks?

We are on day 12 today, 9 more days to go to hatching.
I could keep her in the nest covered and let her out and supervise the nest twice a day, which is what I do now in the kitchen.
But what happens at day 18-21 (lockdown). Does she still get off the nest regularly?
What do I do when the chicks hatch? I assume I will need to change the bedding at some point but I don't want to disturb her too much because I don't want her to abandon the eggs.

I am adding some pictures to show how this set up looks. I need opinions would this work? What can I do to make it better?

The 4 nests are on the left on the wall. There is a corrugated board on top so the hens can't sit on it and poop onto the nests.
The roosting ladder is on the right. The back corner has a separation area. I turned the dividing wire down so the hens can't sit on top and poop inside the box.

There is a gap on the left where the hen can get in and out. I blocked it with boards now to keep the straw clean. The floor and walls have been disinfected. I don't let the hens lay eggs in there now. The feeding bucket used to hang on the left inside the door which is not showing on the pictures. This way the feed was kept clean. The water bowl was elevated at the corner in the front under that heat lamp but the roosting hens would poop into it at night so that was not a good spot.

There are 13 hens and one rooster in this coop currently. My broody is the 14th hen. The rooster is a gentleman. The 3 ameraucana hens are bullies but the rest of the hens are nice. The other roosters are in a separate run and sleep in a small coop (made from a dog house).

Here is the broody hen. She is 11 months old and she was hand raised in the kitchen. We hatched her in a home made incubator and got 3 chicks including her from that hatch. Not very good considering that every egg had full grown chickens in it but most died during lockdown. She knows what she is doing better than the incubator. This is our first time hatching with a hen. I want it to work. She is sitting on 10 eggs, all of them are viable so far. I don't want to do anything to disturb her and make her abandon the nest, but I have a new incubator from Christmas. I guess I should calibrate it just in case. Hm

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Hello! Sorry you haven't gotten a response. Let me see if I can find someone.

@aart you always seem to have great advice on both coops and broodies. Could you please advise?
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@as110 Hopefully some folks will be along soon that can help you with your coop set up. If you have specific questions about hatching eggs under a broody hen, I highly recommend asking on these two threads.

I had my first broody hatch last week and everyone on these threads was very helpful and supportive in getting me through the process. Best of luck to you!
You have a good broody if she has tolerated you moving her from coop to your kitchen. I would move her back to the little boxed area. Take away the heat lamp. You won't need it. I would block that area off so the other hens can't get in and disturb her. Occasionally, there will be a hen who is a chick killer. If your broody has nice strong hormones, she will be very protective of her babies. Best to let her integrate them into the flock sometime during the second week while her hormones are at a "godzilla" peak.

I had a broody hen who was low gal on the pecking order. There was at least one nasty biddy in the flock who loved to separate her from her chicks, and it was hawk season, so I had to keep Mama and babies in a tractor during the day, and in their secure broody area in the coop at night.
Agrees...move her to the boxed off area.
Would be good the make the walls mesh and the top solid first tho.
I keep broodies in coop separated by mesh until 1-2 weeks after hatch when I take down the mesh but the mama and chicks still use nest to shelter and sleep in.
I also put up a creep feeder area so the chicks can eat, drink, and rest(if needed) in peace.

I moved her out to the coop. She got off the nest to drink and walk around, I didn't see her eat. One of her triplet sisters immediately went at her and bugged her so she went back to the nest. She has been sitting there since.

If I block off that corner she won't be able to come out. Is that ok if she does not socialize?

I really like that wired corner for the little chickens to hide. I will plan to make it today.

Thank you for all your help.
Agrees...move her to the boxed off area.
Would be good the make the walls mesh and the top solid first tho.
I keep broodies in coop separated by mesh until 1-2 weeks after hatch when I take down the mesh but the mama and chicks still use nest to shelter and sleep in.
I also put up a creep feeder area so the chicks can eat, drink, and rest(if needed) in peace.

View attachment 1372626
Is that little water bottle a home made chicken waterer?

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