Need advice


5 Years
May 15, 2014
One of my hens has been sitting on some eggs for about a week or so. I checked on her this morning and found 4 baby chics. Our chickens are 5 years old, but these are our first babies.

Not only was I not prepared, I failed to do any research and didn't have a clue about what to do.

My first thought was to put them in a box, hook up heat lamp, provide food, water, and bedding.

Ok, now I think I am doing really good, go online to find out that it's better to let the hen raise the chics

I carefully returned them and she gladly took them back into the nest.

Here is where I need some help

The nest is upstairs, I covered the access hole in the floor (don't want them to fall through and will help hold some heat)

Mother hen and babies seem to be happy, but the rooster and other hen are now locked out. The rooster is surprisingly calm, but the hen is really stressed out. She keeps climbing the ramp and trying to figure out how to get inside.

Any advice will be appreciated
I have no advice but how fun it will be to see those babies running along after Mama as nature intended. Post more pictures as the babies grow!
Let them stay together. The mama will protect the babies, and the rooster will probably get used to them quickly and love to show them how to scratch and stuff.
Thanks, we were thinking the same (mother would protect the babies). I attached some plywood scraps around the opening to provide a safety barrier, should keep the babies in and the older chickens can get in and out.

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