Need advise quickly


In the Brooder
Oct 1, 2015
Godley, IL
I have a hatch in progress and I have 4 healthy hatchlings (out of 8). This one has been pipped (see picture) since 8 o'clock this morning. He may have pipped during the night, but I know it has been at least 12 hours and there has been no progress. The membrane is so paper white and looks so dry. I have been keeping the humidity at around 70%, but am worried that he is stuck. I cannot see any movement within...such as a beak pecking...or no rocking. I do however hear him peeping from time to time. Today is day 21 for him.
I feel confident in my ability to help him if needed. Can anyone please advise me if I should intervene? I am so afraid that I will go to bed, and wake up to him being in the same condition, and no more peeping from him. I would feel horrible. Please advise asap. And thanks so much.
His belly has no problems at all. I didn't separate him because there wasn't too much of a problem with pecking. There was only one chick that would occasionally peck at him, but I haven't seen any pecking for about 24 hours. Here's a cool story: The last one to hatch was super small and was fairly weak. I kept him in the incubator for about 8 hours past the other ones. When I put him in the brooder with the others there was that one chick who sometimes pecks at others and he was about to harass the weak one. To my astonishment another chick came over, bit the wing of the aggressor and pulled him away and became the protector of the weak one. Another quail came over too and they've been looking out for him. I went to pick up the weak one on another occasion and they ran over to my hand like they were trying to protect him. Cool behavior. On another note, I have my meal worms set up for when they are old enough to eat them!
How interested is he in food/water? If it is omphalitis I do not believe there is a specific cure. I believe mortality is very high. BUT if he is eating and drinking well and you are willing to try you could give Poli Vi Sol. I would also give Save A Chick, Pedialite, or NutriDrench. But if you are giving vitamins do not give medicated feed because it will interfere with absorption. All of these will help with the slipped tendon as well. Also keep the belly clean. Try an antiseptic on the outer area. You could also check at your feed store for antibiotics. As for the slipped you think knee or hip? I just had one recently that I was able to correct that had a slipped knee tendon. I posted my notes in the members page or search chick can't walk. It was just last week. If you can't find it let me know. I gave step by step instructions of what worked for me. Prayers and love your way. Keep us updated.
Just an update on my gimpy little chick. I went to bed last night thinking that I would have to splint his little legs....then amazingly....this morning his leg looked pret'near normal. No more dragging, no more hopping...and falling

over. He was actually walking almost normal. By the time I got home from can't hardly tell he ever had a problem. Must have been just kinked up from being stuck in that shell. I'm so I was rather frightened about doing that splinting procedure. Tomorrow I will try to introduce him back in with the others while I'm home to observe. Hope they accept him....
I know you aren't supposed to, but I did rip through the membrane on one I rescued from a hen who walked away from a peeping egg...I wanted to make sure it would at least breathe. I did put it under a heat lamp and had a chick in the morning, which I slipped under the hen who was none the wiser. You could maybe just do that...just make a small tear, so it can get air....? Can't hurt, as long as you don't tear the shell off
Thanks for the reply. There are already two very tiny tears in the membrane. I have not heard any peeping in a while. What worries me is that there are absolutely no movements. This is my first time incubating eggs. Watching the other 4 hatching, I always saw small beak -like movements...or something! There has been none of that on this one. Just that seems to have stopped. I think I will try to open it a small bit. At least I will know that I tried to do something if he doesn't make it through to hatching.
Well, because I had heard no more peeping, and saw absolutely no pecking or other movement, I decided I needed to help the little guy out. I removed the shell. the membranes through the whole shell were tough and dry. After he was out, he was weak, with very little movement. Just laying there with labored breathing. The cord was still attached to a portion of the shell, so I just left it on and basically he was just laying there with an occasional weak peep. Said a prayer, and went to bed. Up at 7 this morning and the little fella was up and walking around, dragging his shell piece around with him. I snipped it off, and he seems to be doing real good. Peeping and waddling around. I'm so happy, as I feel in my gut, that had I not intervened, he would still be in that shell...but no longer with us.

A question now. His butt is CAKED with dried black matter. Is this feces? (Actually, inside the shell...after I took it off, there was a little blob of black stuff). I know I have to clean it off, but boy is it dried up hard. It's gonna take a while to soak off without hurting him. I will wait a little while to see if anyone advises against this....but my plan is to make a tent out of a large heating pad that I have, and working within it with a bowl of warm water and cotton ball try to soak his butt a minute and work it off. Does anyone have any other suggestions or advise? And thanks for checking in on us! I sure hope he continues to improve.
How did it go? Are you sure it's his vent, and not his umbilicus? If the vent, a warm soak is the way to go. That is meconium, and the equivalent of pasty butt in the shell. Good job with the assist. Congrats. You could dispense with the heating pad over the bowl, and just do the warm water in a bowl in your bathroom which is very easy to get warm and toasty by running a hot shower for a few minutes.
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Soaked his little bottom, and it cleaned up nicely. Still see his umbilical thread attached, but now his bum is much cleaner. Thanks for the encouragement. I am pretty proud of myself.....being new at this. I think I might just have an knack for this. Also, now that I have had a chance to see him better up close, I see he has a somewhat deformed foot. He walks kind of turned in sometimes, and sort of drags it a little. Don't know if it is because of the mesh he is waddling on...but am just going to keep observing.

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