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Definitely get a Brahma ;)
This looks like an interesting thread, and as I don't have enough threads already (sarcasm),I think I'll join.
My brahmas were the sweetest roosters I've ever owned. Sweeter than the silkie roosters. My favorite of my brahmas was Charles, and our little silkie David would fight him. Charles was a big baby.
Hatching chicks in incubator.  All Chicks didn't hatch but were fully developed when I broke the eggs.  What would cause this?
They probably shrink wrapped. The cause would be that the humidity wasn't high enough (it needs to be around 65%). Opening the lid will definitely lower humidity.
I had 3 baby chickens at 2 days old. they were happy and healthy but at 8 weeks old , I found 1 laying in coop dead. No marks on her at all but it seemed her head and  neck were wet. some animal had been trying to get in coop but couldnt.
Sounds like maybe dog to me. Or she could of drowned. Does their poop look normal?
I have a silkie rooster that is only 2 years old. A couple weeks ago, we let him out and he was limping on his left leg and then it got better. Then it switched to his right leg, it had just got worse. Now he has to sit with his right leg stuck out. He looses his balance and falls forward and can't sit back up. We have him propped up in a pin in the house. The vet gave him steroids, antibiotics, and pain relievers to take every day for 2 weeks but she thought it was neurological. We are a week in and he is not any better. His comb had always been big and rough but I notices today it is soft and squishy. He acts like he can't see really good but he is eating and drinking pretty good. His right foot looks like its trying to draw up but the vet pinched his toes and he has feeling gin it. Does anybody know what this could be caused by and if so is it treatable?
Sounds like Mareks to me, but I'm no expert in that field.
I've kept chicken's for 5 years and I've noticed that every once in a while they lay rough eggs (the surface of the egg have a blob usually at one end). The blob is 3/5 ml in diameter made of standard egg shell but is rough if you run your finger over it.
Does this cause my girls any discomfort and is there anything I can do to help or provent it.

Oh this thread is an oldie. :D well, you've probably figured this out long ago, but I'll post my answer just in case some poor soul is having the same "problem". I believe rough eggs with exces like you're describing is caused by too much calcium in their diet. I've had a couple eggs in the past week that feel sandpapery. Sadly, however, I don't know how's you lessen their calcium unless you're giving them oyster shell. If you are, and you're having this problem, stop.
Have any chicken questions that need answering? I'm your gal, I've studied chickens for over 5yrs so ask away, and I'll answer your questions to the best of my ability.;)
Does any body what breed of chicken she is her pic is on previous post. I hatched hen and bought frizzle eggs but no frizzle
Does any body what breed of chicken she is her pic is on previous post. I hatched hen and bought frizzle eggs but no frizzle
I think the frizzle gene doesn't always pass to the next gen. That could be what happened to your lovely chicken, this the frizzlelessness.
I've got a 7 month old hen who started laying eggs at 5 months. About 3 weeks ago she stopped laying. She's also the only one who goes high to lay in the coop. She's always in "brooding behavior". I never see her interact with the others. Anytime I go check on her she's always on "the nest" which is empty. I have physically taken her down and closed the coop door to force her to mingle with the others. She's a bit aggressive towards them. But, while out I observed she's eating, scratching, drinking & pooing normally. But I don't know if she ever gets off the nest otherwise. Please help. I'm not sure what to do!! Thanks!

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