Need chick advice! Lost one, others not looking too well


12 Years
Jan 10, 2008
My hen hatched out 5 chicks a bit over a month ago. They have all seemed fine until yesterday. We lost one and another werent looking so great last night. I just went to check on them and thought one was dead so I got somthing to put her in but I came back and she had moved a little and was standing. She wont open her eyes, and will barely respond to me touching her. I cant get her to eat or drink. We put the heat lamp in last night in case the mother maybe wasnt keeping them warm anymore. Any advice?
I use sugar-water (my own concoction: 2 ingredients: sugar and water!) to get my chicks (and chickens) perked up. Another thing that helps is egg whites. It just makes them strong somehow...I don't know the science behind it. You might also try putting chick starter in their water.

I hope this helps. If you give more details people might be able to evaluate the situation better.

I wish you the best of luck!

~Hydrangea Hyacinthe Turner
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So we lost that chick, and the other one is declining. I tried the sugar water with the first but she wouldnt take it. We since also lost an older silkie chick that was fine and following me around before I left work. They were in our basement for a little while because we were do coop modifications, which we have done before no problem, but I began to wonder if there was an issue with mold or something making them sick. So they moved out to the coop today with the heat lamp.
So what ive done with the current sick one is took her into my bedroom for the night. The mother seemed to be just kind of running over her and not paying attention and wasnt sitting on her. I got her to drink a little soda cap full of sugar water by prying her beak open and dipping it, then she would lift her head and swallow some, then she was taking it willingly but I had to dip her beak back in for every sip. She is in a cage with towels surronding her but she can still get out and I have plain water, sugar water, and starter feed available to her and im gonna try soaked starter. She standing very ha=unched over with her eyes closed like the last one, but she does respond to me moving her and such

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