Need chicken coop door ideas or whats best automatic afordable door?

If your motor keeps running then your stops aren't set correctly or your door is hanging up and not closing or opening far enoughto hit the stop switch. For under a hundred bucks i love mine and sure is nice on rainy mornings or when like now I leave for work before sun rise.
I suppose if the stop were set incorrectly that could happen.
You would almost have to do that on purpose though.
Like I said, mine has been running without problems
for over a year.
PleAse forgive the ignorance that is about to show. We are doing our research before getting a few chickens. We live on a couple of acres but will keep the hens cooped and in covered run because of the hawks, coyotes, and raccoons. The automatic doors you are all talking mean they go up and down by timer. What if your chickens are outside when the door closes them out? Is that a stupid question?
No, not a stupid question. You set the timer to about a half hour to an hour after sunset. The birds will be on their roost by then. Mine got shut out one time when I forgot to update the timer in the spring. I saw them sleeping on the ramp and carried them in to the roost. I don't think they even woke up.
Hi -

I can recommend the auto door at - I think its the good one at the best price.
I bought a pull-shut door at I love it, maybe not the cheapest but very reliable and well made. The vertical track system did not do it for me and I didn't trust my birds lives on me building something on my own. I do like the car antenna one and may attempt that one this spring. I also like the fact that the door closes at the set time and then opens a minute later to let in the late arrivals. I should have got the light sensor for it.

I agree with ChrisP. The ADOR1 from appears to be the best automatic chicken coop door. It also is the best price for a complete door with all the features. It's made of galvanized steel and runs on a cheap 6V battery for a long time. You can set the light sensitivity levels so that it opens early and closes late or opens more close to sunrise and sunset times. Then also it has a feature called "Last Call" for the purpose of opening the door again at dusk to let the last stragglers in... it seems to train the girls who were used to staying out too late. The door is operated by a sprocket that directly drives the door, similar to a rack-and-pinion. There's a bar at the bottom of the frame to keep racoon paws out from trying to lift the door. The doors operated by strings just have the weight of the door that keeps them closed, but not this one. With the direct sprocket drive, the door is like locked down. If the battery is getting low, it warns you so you can replace it long before it dies. But the ADOR1, with all these features, is easy to use and easy to install, so go check them out at
This is an old thread but just in case anyone is still looking I would highly recommend the Ador1. It was crazy easy to install and has worked flawlessly.
Does the Add-A-Motor come with instructions on how to build the door and stuff? I like the idea of having my hubby make it and just buying the motor..I don't want to spend more than $100.

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