NEED EXPERT KNOWLEDGE! Bulge on chest on all my Chicks!


10 Years
Mar 23, 2009
Sherman-Denison, TX
Today I had to do a heavy clean out in the coop due to the unbelievable rain we've had the past 2 days in North Texas. Prior to cleaning, I gave my 11 chicks (8 and 9 weeks old) about a cup and 1/2 of cracked corn in their run to keep them busy cuz I didn't want them exposed to the DE etc. while I was cleaning. Anyway, just went in to tuck them in for the night and all of them have a large bulge on their right side of their breast. Held two of them and it doesn't feel real hard - I've just never noticed it like this before. Is this due to the fact that they ate the corn and their crop is just full? They have had chick grit today, but I gave them some more just in case. Do you think they will be normal by morning? They all seem their normal happy selves, but that bump thing is weird! Thanks for any advice! Gail
Yep, crop is full and they are happy! No worries! By morning it will have gone down a good bit.
They should have a dish of grit out all the time so they can have it a will. They probably just have a full crop and it should be down in the morning. Corn does generate heat so I don't feed it in warm weather instead I give wheat.
I now know, I usually give them a bit of oats before bedtime - their favorite - but the corn was in a metal can on the way to the coop and easier... won't be doing that until winter!

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