Need for heat lamp


5 Years
Jun 5, 2014
I have two week old Brahmas, I just moved them into the coop. Last night I had the heat lamp on, but it was in the high 80's today and only supposed to get down to 74 tonight. Should I still leave the heat lamp on? It has been about 80-85 in the garage since I brought them home. I turned the heat lamp off today and it was still 87 in the coop, it was 85 when I left the coop just now. They seem to be going about normal activity and don't seem to appear heat stressed or anything, will they be alright if it drops below 80? Any advice is appreciated.


Hi! I would leave it on. When peeps are 1 day old the temperature of the brooder should be between 90-95 degrees Fahrenheit. For every week of age after that, the temperature should be dropped 5 degrees Fahrenheit. So, the lowest temperature they should be enduring at this age is 80 degrees Fahrenheit. If they need the heat they'll go under the light, if they don't need the heat, they'll move away from the light. They should always have the heat of the light available.

Hope this helps!
Thanks Audra, They have been doing well with less heat it appears, I picked them up on a Thursday, so, I'm not sure if they were born that Monday or what, guess I should ask. I turned the light back on last night and raised it. It was 80 this morning, they have been in the coop two days, I think I will let them out in the yard today, it's going to be low 90's here.
I'm new to backyard chickens website. I live in Wilmington NC where I have almost 5 week old silkies and it has been on average in the high 80s to 90s.Could I turn the heat lamp off during the day and just turn it on at night or will that mess with them too much?
I love Wilmington, I was stationed at New River Air Station, miss the Carolinas. From what I have been reading, the book recommends you keep it on 24/7 until they feather out. In Kansas it's been in the high 80's. low 90's and I have been turning it off during the day and back on at night, but I raised it up high. I think 5 week old chicks should be used to your climate by now though. The book says reduce the temp 5 degrees each week, starting around 90. Hope his helps.

Thanks Audra, They have been doing well with less heat it appears, I picked them up on a Thursday, so, I'm not sure if they were born that Monday or what, guess I should ask. I turned the light back on last night and raised it. It was 80 this morning, they have been in the coop two days, I think I will let them out in the yard today, it's going to be low 90's here.
You're Welcome!
Well thanks for all the help and suggestions on this thread. What I have noticed about my chicks, is they seem to make their own decisions. I have kept the heat lamp on in the coop, opened the pop door and I let them decide. I have 17 chicks, 14 seem to go out in the yard and spend most of the day, three must require a little more warmth and security. I have two dogs half Lab, half Great Pyrenees, they are baffled by the chicks, not sure if they should eat them or heard them. Luckily the run is solid. The chicks and the dogs are having a daily Mexican standoff, the dogs sit and watch the chicks, sometimes the chicks are freaked out, but they are getting used to seeing the dogs. Hopefully the dogs are getting the jest of the situation, they walk me out to the coop each day, so they know the routine already.

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