Need help healing our rooster from bumblefoot


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 20, 2014
My rooster has bumble foot on both feet. There are pretty big black spots on the bottom of his feet. One is worse than the other and he wouldn’t walk anymore. We did perform 'surgery' on his one foot, cut out the infection, squeezed it, added neosporin and hydrogen peroxide and wrapped his foot up (we followed backyard chickens website). We also gave him antibiotics in his water and separated him from the others. However that was 13 days ago and his foot is still swollen and he cant walk on it. He is standing up, eating and seems to be feeling better but there is still a black spot on the bottom of his foot. We aren’t sure what to do from this point. I have called many vets and no one works with chickens in our area. Do you have any suggestions? Do we just leave it alone or operate again? How long does it take for it to heal or did we not get all of the infection? Thanks in advance for any help!



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