Need help. Hen is changing her laying time


Apr 16, 2015
I need some help. My hen is changing the time that she is laying her eggs. She started out about 9-9:30 am. The past few days it has gotten later and later in the day. Today she did not lay till after 4pm. The only thing that I can think of is there has been big thunder storms. The stress may have done that. Please help.
I need some help. My hen is changing the time that she is laying her eggs. She started out about 9-9:30 am. The past few days it has gotten later and later in the day. Today she did not lay till after 4pm. The only thing that I can think of is there has been big thunder storms. The stress may have done that. Please help.
What is it you think you need help with? This is not abnormal at all.
Every chicken is different, however I believe the generally accepted standard is that a hen lays an egg *about* every 25 hours. This would push the time back every day. Then they will usually skip a day once it gets too late at night then start over in the morning. If you had more than a few hens you wouldn't even notice, don't stress it is okay!
Thank you all. I am still new at this, so I just wanted to make sure that she was not stressing. If she was then maybe there was something I could do to release the stress.

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