Need help identifying five breeds... possibly Australorp, White Leghorn, RI Red & Americauna


10 Years
Sep 28, 2010

We purchased 25 chicks from McMurray Hatchery. We did the "Choice Layers" mix, which is pretty much a random assortment of good-laying pullets. It also included a free "rare exotic chick." However, we had some terrible luck and ended up with 11 chickens in the end. They were hatched February 1 and are now about 12 weeks old.

I believe we have five breeds here:

5 White Chicks (guessing white Leghorn?)
3 Red Chicks (guessing Rhode Island Red?)
1 Brown and Black chick (pretty sure it's an Ameracauna/Easter Egger--have had these before)
1 Black and White chick
1 Black Chick (possibly an Australorp?)

Pictures are below. They weren't too cooperative...


We purchased 25 chicks from McMurray Hatchery. We did the "Choice Layers" mix, which is pretty much a random assortment of good-laying pullets. It also included a free "rare exotic chick." However, we had some terrible luck and ended up with 11 chickens in the end. They were hatched February 1 and are now about 12 weeks old.

I believe we have five breeds here:

5 White Chicks (guessing white Leghorn?)
3 Red Chicks (guessing Rhode Island Red?)
1 Brown and Black chick (pretty sure it's an Ameracauna/Easter Egger--have had these before)
1 Black and White chick
1 Black Chick (possibly an Australorp?)

Pictures are below. They weren't too cooperative...Probably an Australorp, if bottoms of feet are white/pink.

Bird in back is an Easter Egger (sold as Americauna) Bird in front is likely another Black Australorp.

Production Red (hatchery quality Rhode Island Red)

Same as above.

White bird: probably White Leghorn.

Probably a black Australorp.

Easter Egger.

Production Red.

Easter Egger.

Production Red.

Left to right: Leghorn, Production Red, Easter Egger, Easter Egger.

White Leghorn, probably.
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